Wednesday, December 31, 2014
#1 New Year's Resolution Fixed
If you're anything like me, then you're really excited about the fresh start that every January 1st's the perfect time to forget about past mistakes, and to forgive ourselves, and most important, to look ahead at how amazing this year will be for us. But here's the #1 mistake you are probably making... Let me explain in Part 2 of my personal New Year's message to you. It helps
The Fifth Movement, The Key to Tactical Strength
Strength training is essentially loaded movement. A complete strength training program will include all of the basic fundamental movement patterns. Strength and conditioning coach Dan John likes to classify the fundamental human movements into the following categories:
- push
- pull
- squat
- hip hinge
- fifth movement.
The fifth movement is a bit undefined because it varies considerably. Dan John sometimes calls the fifth movement �everything else.� Sometimes it consists of loaded carries, or pushing a sled, maybe ab wheel roll outs. Dan sometimes refers to it as �everything else.� This is because there are so many different types of movements that are possible that it becomes hard to characterize. People do OK with understanding the first four movements but there is often considerable confusion about the fifth movement. I would like to lay out my idea of what the fifth movement consists of and why it is so important for tactical athletes.
I initially replaced �fifth movement� with �core� but that word did not really suffice. There was more to it than that. When I thought carefully about what I would include as a �fifth movement� the list could simply be described as exercises that involved, �the dynamic transfer of force from upper body to lower body or vice versa, through a rigid core.� The plank is an exercise where force is transferred from upper to lower (and vice versa), but it is static. It fits our definition OK but not entirely. An ab wheel rollout is a dynamic version of the plank and is a great example of a fifth movement. Sprinting fits the definition of fifth movement OK but sprinting while pushing a prowler sled fits it even better. Other great examples are:
Turkish Getups
Sled push
Loaded carries
Sledge hammer work
Overhead squats
Punching a heavy bag
Based on the discussion above, I am dropping the term �fifth movement� if favor of �dynamic core force transfer.� It is a bit long, but it gets the point across.
In summary:
1. Fifth movement consists of dynamic core force transfer exercises.
2. The purpose of the first four movements is to make you better at dynamic core force transfer.
3. Dynamic core force transfer exercises are the most important movement if performance outside of the gym is the goal.
Caching and Streaking
Had a smooth flight to Tampa yesterday and rolled up to Joel Marion's house around 4:30pm after a trip to Whole Foods. That's when I got my trunk.My what?My Travel Caching Trunk.One of my business partners, Matt Smith, bought me 3 Travel Caching Trunks for Christmas. You can read about the idea here: trunk will be stored in Denver,
2015 New Year's Message for You
You need to hear this. This is a big moment for you. It's your chance to wipe the slate clean and to have one of your greatest years ever. A chance for a FRESH start. 2015 starts now and I want to help you make the most of it. Tonight, tomorrow, and frankly all of 2015 will bring temptations. So what are we to do? You need a little tough love to get you through...and I'm happy to give it to
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
1-Day Cleanse Solution
Forgot what you've read about 10-day lemonade cleanses, 7-day detoxes with green juices and Gwyneth's gruel. All you need to do, and this is perfect for tomorrow or even today, is a simple 1-day cleanse. You only need 24 hours, and better yet, you still get to eat real food every day. You don't have to go hungry, or 'live out of a juicer' for days while the rest of your family eats dinner or
Monday, December 29, 2014
Sunday Squats and Tampa Training
Time for some Tampa Turbulence Training down at Joel Marion's house. Starting Wednesday. But first, a trip to Toronto today and then the flight down to Tampa tomorrow. Yesterday I hit the gym for Sunday squats and some 1-Minute Challenge workouts.1A) Squat1B) Prisoner Squat Jump2A) Barbell Lunges 2B) Cable Abs3A) Good Morning3B) 1-Minute Challenges - Like # of TBX's in a minute (54) and a few
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Bulletproof Bally Tea and Garage Gym training
This morning I tried to create Ballantyne Bulletproof Tea. From what I understand, the creator of Bulletproof Coffee first tried a Tibetan tea with yak butter before returning to America and translating the recipe to include coffee. It has, of course, spawned a worldwide phenomenon. The creator now has a book out with Rodale. He said he had many failures before stumbling across the right
Friday, December 26, 2014
Simple Tactical Fitness Template Based on Simple and Sinister
Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Blake Midnight
First of all, buy Simple and Sinister by Pavel. You can get the e-copy for $10. It is worth it. The basis of Simple and Sinister is the one arm kettlebell swing and Turkish Getups. In this simple tactical template, this serves as the base of the program. It is a one stop shop for conditioning, grip strength, core strength, bulletproof shoulders, and lower back stability/strength. That is a lot of "bang for the buck" for only 2 exercises. If all you did were these 2 exercises and you got really good at them, you would be awesome and more physically capable than the vast majority of the population, even fellow tactical athletes. However, adding some simple strength "grinds" can really add a new dimension to this template. Here is how I lay it out:
Monday: Simple and Sinister (SS), push 5 X 5
Tuesday: AM: SS, pull 5 X 5 PM: ruck
Wednesday: SS, squat 5 X 5
Thursday: AM: SS, push 5 X 5 PM ruck
Friday: SS, pull 5 X 5
Saturday: run or ruck 1-2 hours
Sunday: rest
Mix up the pushing and pulling, using a variety of exercises. Try different pull-up grips, rows, body rows, and one arm presses, weighted push ups, dips, press, KB overhead press, handstand push ups, and split squats, goblet squats, front squats, lunges, box squats etc.... Go heavy for sets across (google it). If you can manage the simple and sinister workout with a 70lb kettlebell (better yet and 80 or 90), you have all of the strength you need as a tactical athlete and any other strength accomplishments are largely irrelevant. If time is short, just do the SS part. The SS part of this template is the base, the foundation, and is the most important part. It is the cake, the rest is icing on the cake. This is just another way to achieve the kind of sustainable fitness program that covers all bases for the tactical athlete. It is based on the same fundamental principles as The Tactical Template (see Tactical Training Template link on the right side of the home page). The keys are sustainable (most important!) and complete. If you want to last, you cannot jack hammer your way to fitness. You have to gently nudge your body there, bit by bit, until you reach a really high level.
Change today and win my money!
If you have fallen "off the wagon" this week, here's the BEST advice: Cut your losses, don't worry about it, and get back on track. Immediately. Any mistake is simply minor damage that can be dealt with. Everyone eats & drinks too much this week (I know Bally the Dog sure did!). But you can't let one day or even one week turn into three months of bad let's get back on track
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Plan, Shop, & Prepare This Meal Plan
I want you to plan, shop, and prepare for day 1 of the contest. Skip your workout if necessary and do this instead � it's THAT important. I don't just mean planning what you are going to eat for dinner. I mean planning what you are going to eat for every meal for the next 2 weeks. Don't tell me that's too hard. Most people with lean, sexy bodies stick to a similar diet for 90% of
1-minute fat burners
The NY Times recently reported that a "lovely new study found that a single-minute of intense exercise improves health & fitness". Of course, that study needed a fancy bike that you can only find in research labs, but we can take the findings and give you a bodyweight substitution. Here are your 1-Minute workout options for the holidays. When you are feeling stressed, when you need an
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Awesome Upper Body Workout and Maximus Fun
Wow. This was a pleasant surprise. Certainly now that it's over. It was a shock while I was doing it. But this workout is a keeper. Can't wait to share it with J-Roc, TT Client of the Year. He's my #1 guinea pig, but I want YOU to try this out as well, and let me know what you think.The KB-BW Upper Body GauntletPushup max � 90 secondsPull-up max � 60 seconds1-Arm KB Press � 12, 3x5, 15 (use
How to get ripped abs
T'is the season to kick-back and do some things I do NOT normally do, such as watching TV and having a few treats. As I was flipping between football and hockey, I stumbled across 6-pack abs that made me sit up and take note. Turns out we were watching one of those Fighter-Training shows, and I was shocked at how RIPPED these fighters were - even though their diet was terrible...after
Monday, December 22, 2014
Deadlift and Surprise Guest at the Gym
Had a fun Sunday morning workout at the local YMCA. They gym was empty except for two of Stratford's most popular native sons.1) Ol' CB - 233,000 like on Facebook2) Justin Bieber - a bazillion likes on FacebookBieber was with his dad, and they were only in the gym for a few minutes before heading to the basketball court. If only Mikey "Pancakes are better than Biebers" Whitfield was there, he and
Saturday, December 20, 2014
1 Answer for the Same Weight Loss Question
Today I did 2 good QnA sessions on the TT and ETR FB pages. Please check them out.Lessons from the TT version...This QnA shows what is on the mind of so many readers..."how to lose weight with cardio?" It's the same question asked 4 different ways below...and it deserves the same answer. Amazingly, so many people still believe that cardio is the answer...but the real answer, while simple, has
Friday, December 19, 2014
7 Days Left
There are 7 days left in the most wonderful time of the year, and I want you to have a very Merry Christmas.And then on December 26th, it starts.The 22nd TT Transformation Contest.Details => would you wait till New Year's Day?If you get started on Dec. 26th, or as we call it here in Canada, "Boxing Day", you'll be ahead of the game and closer to
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Squats and 10 Minute Bodyweight Circuits
Today I had an internal debate about going to the gym and squatting or taking the easy way out and staying home for a metabolic circuit of kettlebell and bodyweight exercises. The circuit would have been less stressful. No traffic. No having to watch silly people do silly exercises that make me shake my head. No jockeying for equipment at the gym (it was a long wait for the squat rack today)
#1 WORST food for your skin, joints & blood sugar
I have an important HOLIDAY time-sensitive article for you today that is a MUST-READ if you want to protect your skin, organs, muscles, and joints from aging during the busy holiday season... We're going to show you the #1 worst food (marketed as "healthy") that harms your blood sugar levels, and how this also ages your body faster. You might even be eating this food every day, so it's
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Best. Workout. Ever. Period.
Readers always ask me, "Ol' Craiggy, if you were stranded on a deserted island with only have one piece of equipment, what would you choose?" The answer is that equipment doesn't matter at all. Because as long as I have my bodyweight and my extensive collection of NO-equipment exercises and workouts, I can stay lean and have ripped abs forever. It doesn't matter where you are. It doesn't matter
Monday, December 15, 2014
Female Fat Loss Over 40
Women's Health magazine has just put me in charge of an intense new project. I'll be reviewing the diet and workout programs of five women over the age of 40 to identify why they are NOT getting results. Then I'll be fixing their programs to help them lose weight and fix their trouble spots. It's like Restaurant Makeover, but for fat loss. ;) Unlike most male trainers, or perky new female
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Saturday Deadlifting and Delicious Bread
Let's start with a big thank you to Diana Keuilian. Her recipe for coconut bread made my Saturday morning. After a sleep in (till 4:30am!), a couple of hours of work, meditation, and a dog walk, it was time for breakfast. I made a simple blender drink of spinach, a banana, and creatine
Friday, December 12, 2014
10 minute muscle builders
If you are short on time, space, equipment, or anything else that we are short on at this time of year, then you're going to love these quick and easy 2-exercise workouts. I even have a few muscle-building 10- minute 2-exercise workouts for you below. But first, how to tighten your arms and butt... The Bodyweight Fat Blaster to Tighten Your Arms 1) Total Body Extensions (or Burpees) - 30
Thursday, December 11, 2014
3 ways to fix metabolism in 3 days
It's no surprise that women ask this question EVERY day: "Is there anything I can do to fix my slow metabolism? Should I do more cardio?" The answers are: 1) YES! and 2) NO! You never need to do cardio again. Instead, follow these three rules - courtesy of Shawna Kaminski, Master Certified Turbulence Trainer. Her secrets will FIX your slow metabolism in just 3 days. And when you do that,
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
5 best carbs?
If you've been told you need to avoid carbs to get a flat belly, you've been LIED to. In fact, if you want to lose the MOST weight, you MUST eat carbs... but the trick is knowing which carbs fuel your fat-burning metabolism, and those that you must AVOID to stave off unwanted belly fat. Fortunately, my good friend and certified nutritionist Joel Marion just wrote a brand new free report that
One Minute Workout from the New York Times
Interesting day on the workout development scene. First, a big announcement.HWR 2.0 is coming soon! During our Quarterly Planning we prioritized a new workout video series. We will be filming new videos in January in Denver and are looking at a Ballantyne's Day release in February. There will be 25 bodyweight workouts plus 6 new ab workouts and maybe a few other bonus programs. Stay tuned...
Monday, December 8, 2014
TFT and Squat Update
After an amazing Toys for Tots weekend, it's time to head home to Toronto. So far we've bought over $110,000 worth of toys and we are leaving online donations open for a few more days. We still plan on hitting $125,000 by Friday, December 12th.Here I am with Team BioTrust (Josh & Kim) at our Toys for Tots Drive today in Denver. We filled up two big trucks thanks to you! The Hello Kitty bake
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Whoohoo! Thanks to you, our team was able to buy thousands and thousands of gifts for needy kids at our 3rd annual Toys for Tots event today. (I posted a few pics on the TT Facebook page). Thank YOU so much for your support. After walking around the stores for hours, I was hungry. So I treated myself to one of Diana Keuilian's delicious treats. And you can make some for tonight if you
Biotrust and ETR at Toys for Tots
Did you know that a Cyber Monday shopping workout burns only 61 calories while sitting in front of a computer, even if you superset rapid clicking between the websites for Target and Wal-Mart? :) And if you sit there mindlessly snacking on a Frappucino (480 calories) and a bagel (350
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Cool Saturday Morning Upper Body Workout
It was a cool morning in FLA, but I managed to do this in the garage.1A) DB Press 1B) DB Row2A) DB Overhead Press 2B) DB Chest Supported Row3) Finisher of Total Body Extensions4) Laps in the cold pool. Off to Denver tomorrow...where the pool will be even cooler. Here's an extra picture from my visit to Miami earlier this week at a friend's condo near the Miami Heat arena. Nice view. I love
Friday Fat Burner Night and Saturday Fat Burner Workout
Well, it wasn't the most exciting Friday night at Joel Marion's here in Florida, but I enjoyed my turkey drumstick and sweet potato leftovers followed by watching the new Star Wars trailer. We followed that up by singing several rounds of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" with his two daughters. I forgot how catchy that song is (sorry if it's now stuck in your head!). Joel and I also did a big 4.4
Friday, November 28, 2014
5 Diet Tips
Dang these tips are good. If you have 5-10 pounds to lose, or more, you'll love this guest post from Joel Marion. Joel invited me over for Thanksgiving dinner and it was incredible, especially the sweet potatoes (my favorite). I can't thank him enough, and you won't be able to either after you read this... How to Lose 10 Pounds Fast By Joel Marion, co-founder,
This book changed my life
This is the time of year to count your blessings, right? Here's a BIG one for me. I lucked out and stumbled across a simple, 15-minute strategy that has made me a better person. I'm happier, more patient, calmer, and much, much more appreciative of everything I have in my life. It's the secret behind my success. I wrote a book that shows you exactly how
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Thanksgiving Monster Workouts and Gratitude
Thursday is the big day here in America. It's Thanksgiving, the biggest family get together of the year where, according to research from the Calorie Control Council, the average American will eat more than 4,500 calories. So here's your Thanksgiving MONSTER workout -'s Total Body Workout: Circuit #1:
Monday, November 24, 2014
Sunday KB and Swim
Turns out it's hotter and more humid in Florida than it is back on the farm. Haha. I was sweating buckets on Sunday morning as I went for a Kettlebell Swing marathon of 500 reps. Unfortunately several reasons caused me to bail early. One was time, two was a slight blister developing on my left hand, and three was the fact my hands were so sweaty I couldn't grip the bell properly.But all told
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Don't let this happen
Don't let this happen...It's Saturday...maybe it's still snowy, cloudy, rainy or just 'blah' where you live...and you've read the paper, had your coffee, made a light lunch, and now it's time to do your workout...maybe because you missed earlier in the week. But first, why not sit down and "just see what's on TV for a second". Two hours later, you're watching the end of when Harry met Sally
Friday, November 21, 2014
10x10 Swings and Pushups
This was a great way to start my workout. 10 KB Swings with 53 pounds10 pushups- 10 rounds, no rest. Time = 7:40Followed with KB Front Squat, Powerblock Chest Press, Powerblock 1-arm row, and finished with 50 more KB swings with 53 pounds. That brings me to 600 total reps on the road to
Thursday, November 20, 2014
1 rule and 1 tip
I wanted to share with you the one "rule" that you must follow if you want to lose weight and get in shape before the holidays (and after the holidays, too). This one simple "rule" can be found in the weight loss plans of every success story in the world -- and the good news is that it has nothing to do with genetics, or your diet, or how long you spend in the gym. => The #1 Rule you must
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
3 Level Custom Diet
If you fell off the diet wagon again last night or at lunch today, I have good news - and a 3-Level CUSTOM diet solution - for you. But first, a reason why your past diets haven't worked for you. The truth is that almost every single diet out there FALSELY claims to be the best diet for everyone. But NO diet can be best for everyone. That's why you need Customized Levels. After all,
Snow In Swings and Squat Workout
More snow coming today and tomorrow. That's alright. I have the garage gym on my side. Here are a couple of photos out on the farm of the calm between the storms. It's Pretty...but pretty early in the year for this! Oh well, ol' Poochy was loving it outside. Soon I'll be in the garage gym crushing a tri-set of KB Front Squats, Heavy Powerblock Rows, and KB Swings. Today's
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Emergency Workout Alert
The NY Times reported a "fun fact" today, one that I don't find fun at all. Then again, I'm snowed in on the farm here in Canadia (in November!), so everything is a little less funny today. Anyways, the fun fact is that all 50 states in America are freezing. That's right, there's a city in all 50 continental states that will experience below freezing weather today, and many homes, like
Snow Day Workout of Swings and Pushups
We are full-on snowed in. I can't even see 40 feet out the window. And this morning's 7am dog walk was brutal. I gotta be careful what I wish for. Yesterday I wrote: "Several inches of snow have fallen over the weekend and last night, and several more are on the way. I'm glad. Why? Because I'm gone for two weeks, starting Saturday. First I'll be heading down to Joel Marion's near Tampa ("
This workout vs crossfit
Here's why this is better than Cross-Fit... In the time it takes someone to drive down to their local Crossfit, you could do a better cross-training, fat-burning workout at home Try this workout and compare And don't even get us started on the 60 minute P90 videos or cardio...there's no need for workouts to last longer than an episode of CSI. All of these workouts beat you up because
Monday, November 17, 2014
One Ancient Workout Secret
If you need to lose 10 pounds fast for holiday parties, an upcoming beach vacation, or simply to fit into your clothes better, there is ONE workout trick that you need to add into your routine. It's worked for literally over 2551 years since it was first invented. So clearly it doesn't involve treadmills, screaming fitness models on DVD, or going to a fancy gym. It's just a simple secret
Snow vs Sunshine
It's full-on winter here on the farm. Several inches of snow have fallen over the weekend and last night, and several more are on the way. I'm glad. Why?Because I'm gone for two weeks, starting Saturday. First I'll be heading down to Joel Marion's near Tampa ("the official lightning capital of the world" - seriously!) for some sunshine and swimming. It's going to be in the 80's there over the
This book changed my life
This is the time of year to count your blessings, right? Here's a BIG one for me. I lucked out and stumbled across a simple, 15-minute strategy that has made me a better person. I'm happier, more patient, calmer, and much, much more appreciative of everything I have in my life. It's the secret behind my success. I wrote a book that shows you exactly how
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Highs and lows of life
First day of testing...two victories. I had to bail on the max pushups. Will try those on Monday or Tuesday next week. Lots of highs and lows to report today. Success => It all starts with preparation and planning � to avoid wrong people/environments/habits and to connect with the right people/environments/habits. Success is simple once you accept how difficult it is. Today's workout
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Back to the heavy
Well, I'm done with the bodyweight training. Almost. Time for a couple of days rest and then some weekend testing of max reps. That will be fun.After that, I'm going to move to a KB Swing & hamstring training focus for the next 6 weeks till the next contest. I want to get my deadlift close to 405 before January. It's about 375 now. My best ever is 425 at 190 lbs. That's nothing to get too
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
How NOT to fail
I blew it. I just failed on a big goal because I forgot the 1st Pillar of Transformation - PLANNING. You see, I was attempting a massive 33,333 rep 12-week bodyweight challenge during the 21st Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. I wanted to join you as you did your fat loss program, to give you accountability, support, an incentive, and the Big Deadline (the 4 other Pillars of
I'm not going to make it. I just won't get all of my pullups and chinups done. This was a result of poor planning. I dropped the ball on the 1st of the 5 pillars of Transformation. They are:1) Better Planning & Preparation => Silly mistake to miss this one!2) Accountability => Did this, had you!3) Social Support => Did this, had you - thanks!4) Incentive => To better myself...and I did...
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
2 minute workout option A
What if you could burn tons more body fat without tacking any extra time onto your current workouts? What if you could use a shortcut to burn fat FASTER, get stronger, and get leaner--all while increasing your cardiovascular and heart health in as little as 2 minutes? Well, science and research proves you CAN.Introducing: The Fat-Burning Shortcut SolutionIt's a new exercise trick that doubles
2 minute workout Option A
What if you could burn tons more body fat without tacking any extra time onto your current workouts? What if you could use a shortcut to burn fat FASTER, get stronger, and get leaner--all while increasing your cardiovascular and heart health in as little as 2 minutes? Well, science and research proves you CAN.Introducing: The Fat-Burning Shortcut SolutionIt's a new exercise trick that doubles
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Suck Wind Burpee Circuit
Today we finished off burpees and rows while adding in some squats. Tomorrow is a travel day as I head to California, and then it's back to the chinup mission on Thursday.Today's workout - The Suck Wind CircuitSquats - 20 repsPushups - 10 reps Burpees - 10 reps (+ 10 extra warmup)7 Rounds = Not fun for the first half...gets better at the halfway point...gets 'kind of' fun when you see the
Monday, November 3, 2014
Ten Thousand Pushups
Ten thousand pushups achieved. I enjoyed the journey. My max endurance has risen, my shoulders have gotten stronger, and my bench press got stronger. I am surprised by the shoulder and bench response, but there's no denying it. Today's milestone workout: Barbell Squats + BW circuit (Total reps = 325 bw squats, 401 pushups, 75 chin-ups). GT's. (Good times)Before the workout I looked at my
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Almost at 30K reps and 10000 pushups
Saturday morning changed from the normal routine. It started with an early morning haircut so that I look my best for next week's Info Summit in Costa Mesa, California. After picking up a paper and ingesting a little caffeine, it was time to head home for a bodyweight circuit. I pumped out a few sets of 50 rep bodyweight squats, thanks to the caffeine, and couple hundred other reps.Followed
Friday, October 31, 2014
The Challenge Truth and Deadlift Day
Friday is a great day for a manly workout of deadlifts. Deadlifts are a particularly appropriate exercise for Halloween. Should be International Deadlift Day every Halloween.Unfortunately, today's workout left me pessimistic about being able to get all of my pullups and chinups done for the 33,333 challenge before the deadline. I planned this very poorly.On the bright side, I hit my first
trick or treat burger recipe
We have two time-sensitive TREATS for you right now, and no tricks (the only trick being played is this darn wet & cold weather here on the farm that's keeping ol' Bally the Chewbacca Dog inside on Halloween night). Treat #1 - A delicious new recipe below...all you need is some ground beef or turkey and an avocado and you have one of the best burgers ever. It's perfect fuel for hungry
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
3 steps to lose weight without counting calories
Counting calories is a huge waste of time. Don't don't do it! Obsessively counting calories (or worse, weighing food!) is a borderline unhealthy way to live, and research shows that your diet will FAIL if you take that approach. Here's what the pro's do...we eat real food, we eat when we are hungry, and we eat till we are full (but not stuffed). That's a healthy relationship with food, and
725 reps and 125 chinups
I started walking and bodyweight squatting down chin-up road today. Stopped along the way to smell the bench press. Today's workout:725 total reps 400 squats200 pushups125 chinupsplus bench press on Jim Wendler's 5-3-1 program. Here's a quick circuit I posted on FB:Quick Circuit for a client this morning (15-20 reps on each): Bodyweight Squats, KB Deadlift, Close-Grip Pushup, Total Body
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
State of the Bodyweight Union
For anyone keeping score on my bodyweight training program that I'm doing in conjunction with the TT Transformation contest, here's the latest update. My current stats can be found here:***and here's the "state of the union"***Ok, it's not as bad as I thought. There are 15-or-so days left in the 12-Week Transformation.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Chin Up Mania to the finish
It's time for another 4-week strength program to start. And yesterday I designed a new 4-week strength program for my #1 client, J-Roc. I will take the feedback on my program and his program to create some new Meathead's programs for the new year.Today's workout was barbell squats paired with chinups (100 total reps), then circuit: handstand pushups, bw squats, pushups, burpees, rows.Total
Saturday, October 25, 2014
106 pullup record
The past two days have been busy and the result has been a bodyweight mania. Yesterday was a big 800 rep workout while today was fewer reps, but higher intensity.Here's what I did on Friday morning:1A) Prisoner Squats � 50 reps1B) Pushups � 30 repsBack and forth I went for 10 rounds with about 1 minute between exercises.It was a dang good tough challenge. Lots of fun. Now look at all the way
Sadly skip this snack
I really do love this "healthy" snack (I used to eat it all the time on airplanes while flying to my TT events), but unfortunately I must admit it's actually one of the worst snacks for your waistline. I'm talking about trail mix, even the organic, "super-healthy" varieties that you find at the health food stores. Why is it so bad? Here are just a few reasons: 1. Trail mixes--which almost
Friday, October 24, 2014
17 white foods
Yes, that's right, you can actually eat LOADS of white foods and still get a flat stomach. In fact, if you eat THESE 17 white foods, you're bound to get a flat belly even faster. Get all 17 fat-burning white foods by downloading our brand new free report in a few seconds at the link below: ==> 17 WHITE foods for a flat stomach I'm going to go eat two of them right now for lunch as part of my
Thursday, October 23, 2014
odd workout for weekend
You can easily add this "odd" type of exercise to your routine this weekend. You don't need any equipment at all. And you'll be amazed at how quickly you start seeing a difference... -> In just 7 days you'll be more flexible and your belly will be a little flatter. (Your digestion may become easier, too!) You will feel more energized and alert during the day, and sleep like a baby at night.
185 challenge workout from J-Roc
On Monday, while I was in Toronto for some meetings, and a fancy dinner at the Ritz Carlton, I finished up my latest 4-week heavy lifting program. I hit the deadlift hard at my favorite Goodlife Gym down by the Air Canada Center. That means I'm now into a 7-day 'deload' week where I mess around with workouts.Today's workout was a challenge day combined with some chin-ups. My best friend Jay
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
5 exercises better than reading while doing cardio
Shape magazine recently made a shocking statement. According to their scientists, when you do a workout on the elliptical machine that says you burned 400 calories, the TRUTH is that you burned only 300 calories. The elliptical overestimates your calorie burn by about 30%. No wonder cardio doesn't work for fat loss. The machines LIE to you. I hope you're not making that one big mistake and
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
For Women that want to lose weight
If you want to lose 5, 10, 15 pounds or more, read every word in this email. Here's why... Everyone knows most mainstream "diet" information is not only incorrect, but will actually make you fatter. Like it or not, the government and media dictate to us what is healthy and what isn't, yet their advice is often fraudulent, deceitful, and ultimately harmful to your health and fat loss goals.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Hike and Lift
Went for a hike yesterday at Rattlesnake Point - near Toronto - with my friend and TT Client of the Year, J-Roc. The scenery reminds me of what I saw last fall when I was visiting Tuscany. It doesn't get much nicer than this in October. Today was much different...dreary and rainy, but deadlifty, too. :) The WorkoutWarmup of 200 squats and 200 pushups1A) Deadlift1B) Broad Jump2A) Bench Press 2B
Saturday, October 18, 2014
105 pullups
Today was the most pullups I've ever done in a workout. It beat my record of 100 set just last week. The workout was powered by 3 teaspoons of cacao nibs and a banana taco. A banana taco is a banana and cashew butter in a coconut wrap (from like a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.Anyways...Today's bodyweight workout gave me: 430 reps105 pullups (
Friday, October 17, 2014
Grinding it out
Weird day. I just didn't feel like hitting the gym, even after a day off. But I knew that if I could grind it out through a warm-up, that I would have a great session, and I did, even hitting a personal best max pushup set of 60.Total Bodyweight Reps: 550200 squats 200 pushups150 rowsAlso did barbell squats.Followed that up with a stranger than normal blender drink. I put red grapes in for
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
100 Pullup Workout
This was my first Century Pullup workout, the first time I ever did 100 reps in a single workout. It was a massive hour long bodyweight workout with lots of circuits. It's best to move between lower body, pushing, and pulling exercises, as that gives each muscle group time to rest while the other works. If your goal is strength, take a rest (1-minute) at the end of the circuit. If your goal
Monday, October 13, 2014
Deadlift Bodyweight Pumpkin Workout
Big deadlift and pumpkin workout today.Okay, maybe no pumpkin, but definitely deadlifts and bodyweight exercises.1A) Deadlift1B) Bench PressAnd then all these bodyweight exercises to be added to the challenge.771 reps350 squats200 pushups150 rows51 pullups20 handstand pushupsAnd then, if you ARE looking for a pumpkin workout...dont' do this:Pumpkin workout fail =>
Saturday, October 11, 2014
611 rep Saturday
Today's bodyweight workout done in circuits and supersets.It gave me 611 reps from:260 pushups250 bodyweight squats => over 10,000 now!100 TRX rowsand 1 burpee (ha!) <= just wasn't feeling the burpees today ...Thanks Coach! Another great session. Today's bodyweight workout done in circuits and supersets: 260 pushups, 250 bodyweight squats, 100 TRX rows, and 1 burpee (ha!) <= just wasn't
Friday, October 10, 2014
Fired Up About Phys-Ed Teachers
Dear Well Meaning Phys-Ed Teachers,I know you care. I know you want your students to grow up healthy and fit. I know you want them to build good exercise habits...BUT...If you don't know how to properly teach weight training exercises, and if you don't know how to properly design a basic full-body strength program for your students, do NOT try and fake it.You are only setting them up for
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
20 thousand repetitions in 7 weeks
And we've crossed the 20,000 rep mark. Wow. That's almost 3,000 repetitions per week, as tomorrow marks the end of week 7. However, I still have a couple of lagging exercises that need a LOT of work in the final 35 days of my bodyweight transformation.The results so far?The biggest improvements have been in:- my pushup endurance- my bench press strength <= big surprise!- my shoulder joint
20 minute myth and 4 minute miracle
One of the silliest CARDIO MYTHS that you hear in the gym is this: "You have to exercise for 20 minutes before you burn fat." That's ridiculous. It makes no sense. You are burning fat every single minute of every single day. Sometimes you are burning more fat than other times - like in the Afterburn period of today's 4-minute workout - but you are never not burning fat. Of course, there
Monday, October 6, 2014
Deadlifts and benches and bodyweight reps
Today was a big workout. I only go to a 'real' gym twice a week now, and so I have to take advantage of everything that is there that is not in my lil' gym in the garage. Decent amount of critical pullup and burpee reps to add to the 33,333 challenge today.742 reps total300 squats320 pushups52 pullups70 burpeesplus1A) Deadlift 3x5, 3x31B) Bench Press 3x5, 3x3Great times. Hour workout. Then
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Saturday Fitness QnA and internet feedback
Hmmm, another rainy day out on the farm. Unfortunate. But I was able to do a BW-TRX workout and get in a bike ride to grab the Saturday paper before it started pouring.The workout today gave me:361 total reps200 Squats100 pushups140 rows21 Handstand pushupsSunday is my OFF-From-Everything day. That means no workout, no Internet, no texting, no stressing (not that I do much of that), etc. I
Friday, October 3, 2014
The Back in Canada Squat and Bodyweight Workout
We cross over 18,000 reps today on my journey to 33,333 in my 12 week bodyweight program. This was also week 1 of my new lifting program. The workout at the local YMCA went like this. Warmups of Squats Pushups Pullups 1A) Squat 1B) Burpee 1C) Pushups 1D) Pullups 2A) DB RDL 2B) Box
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Last Tampa Workout Till Thanksgiving
Happy October 1st! Why not treat today as another New Year's Day? You can choose to make big changes starting now. You can change your life just as well today as on any day of the year. This is my final day down in Florida. Time to head back to Toronto for a few weeks before heading to California for the event. I know that many TT Trainers will be there.
Monday, September 29, 2014
TT Birthday Party Invite
Hey, I'd love for you to attend my 40th birthday party taking place next June at the 5th annual Turbulence Training Summit in San Diego. You'll workout with me on Friday morning in our kick-off bootcamp session, followed by an incredible day of fitness seminars, nutrition and supplement giveaways, and The Big 40th Birthday Party Bash at night. Then on Saturday morning, after you shake
Big bodyweight workout near the beach
Big bodyweight workout today. Lots of squats, pushups, lunges, pullups, handstand pushups, TRX Rows, and burpees. I split this up into a couple of circuits. All done as the sun rose over the water near Clearwater, Florida. Total Reps: 733 350 squats 200 pushups 80 bodyweight rows 35 Burpees 38 pullups 20 chinups 10 Handstand Pushups Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip: No matter what happened
Saturday, September 27, 2014
20 more handstanders
Yesterday's lunch at Guppy's near the beach. Had some grouper and sauteed spinach. Then after a Delmonico steak dinner, we went and watched The Equalizer (one of those hilariously over-the-top violent movie).It started with this quote worth sharing:"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." - Mark TwainToday's early AM humid south
Friday, September 26, 2014
only 90 left
Let's be honest. If you want to accomplish your BIG fat loss goals and dreams in 2014, there are really only 90 days left. That takes us right up to Christmas Eve (because who loses fat between Christmas & New Years?)...not Bally the Dog, that's for sure! It's treat time come Christmas. If you want to finally lose fat, you need a complete blueprint for your workouts, including professional
The Halfway There Workout
Two workouts to report today.The first is from yesterday, where I collected 264 bodyweight reps at the legendary Powerhouse Gym in Tampa, Florida.The workout was:1A) Barbell Squats1B) Box Jumps1C) Pullups (64 total)1D) Pushups (100 total)(Also did 100 bodyweight squats in warm-up)2A) Full Squat2B) Good MorningRead here to get a couple of modified workout versions of this one:http://
Top 10 reasons to burn fat today
If you exercise a LOT and eat too little, I have GREAT news. It's time to end your frustration. The latest science proves that the 30-minute Turbulence Training (TT) workouts will work for everyone - men and women of every age and fitness level. These new videos and workouts give you the exact blueprint that you need to finally lose your belly fat. And the workouts are on sale - but the 72%
Monday, September 22, 2014
Best workout for fat loss
While doctors and so-called "fitness experts" tell you to use the "fat-burning zone", the TRUTH is that using slow-go cardio like jogging or the elliptical machine is USELESS for fat loss. There is NO good cardio for fat loss. In the article at the link below you'll discover how short, at-home workouts are scientifically proven to give you SIX times faster fat-burning results than
701 reps plus deadlifts
It's almost time to hit the road again. I've been home for a week, after all, and I really miss the airport line-ups, security, and hanging out with strangers for a few hours in a long metal tube. ;)Tomorrow is my last day on the farm and then I'm off to Toronto. On Thursday I head to Tampa to visit my friend Joel Marion. We are working on a new secret project and I have some great new
Move on!
As a fat loss expert, it's not very often that I come across a scientific-based method that can quickly target lower belly and stomach fat. That's why I wanted to make sure you saw this new approach that takes only 12 minutes. At the link below, my dear friends and America's "Most-Fit" Health & Fitness Pros, Shaun and Karen Hadsall give you a simple - and short - blueprint for QUICKLY
Saturday, September 20, 2014
4000 pushups and a day off
Enjoying a relaxing weekend out on the farm. Tomorrow will be an "off from everything" day, meaning no training, no internet, and no cell phone. Looking forward to it.Today I did a quality bodyweight training session, focusing on handstand pushups. On Monday I'll focus on burpees and pull-ups. Some milestones were achieved. I cross the 4,000 pushup mark.I crossed the 33% mark for Handstand
Friday, September 19, 2014
squats and bodyweight moves
Time for another trip back to the gym. It was a barbell squat day, along with some decent bw numbers added to the challenge. Warmup of bw squats and pushups 1A) Squat 1B) Box Jump 1C) Pushups 1D) Chinups 2A) Full squats 2B) Good Morning 2C) Chin-ups Total bodyweight reps: 251 101 pushups 100 squats 50 chinups Tomorrow or Sunday will be off...and the other day will focus on handstand pushups
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Hero drives my bodyweight challenge
He was my hero. I was just a 5 year old kid when this "Superman" came to town. And to this day his story still brings a tear to my eye. What he achieved, against the obstacles he overcame, makes almost everything we struggle with seem so inconsequential in comparison. His story below, but first, I have three questions for you. The answers determines your future. What are your real limits?What
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Handstands in the Garage
Today's Workout was an early one in the garage.It was simple, and a bit random, with the purpose of adding more reps to the 33,333 challenge. Totals were: 300 bodyweight squats, 50 decline pushups, 50 elevated pushups, 18 handstand pushups, 100 bodyweight rows, 75 ab wheel rollouts (although the rollouts don't count towards the 33,333, of course).518 reps.Then a FB Fitness QnA.Q: I'm in week
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Push and Pull back in Canadia
Back to barbell workouts in Canadia. I had a smooth trip home from Vegas yesterday, and arrived at the ol' farm at 9pm. Fell asleep by 10pm, and was in the gym this morning by 10am for a deadlift session. 100 squats and 100 pushups in the warmup 1A) Trap Bar Deadlift 1B) Box Jumps 1C) Bench Press - performance was up even though I did heavy db presses and lots of pushups yesterday...all
Monday, September 15, 2014
Hopefully Home from Vegas Today
Well yesterday through a wrench in my plans. When I checked my flight status, it showed an 8 hour delay.What?Surely something's wrong. I called my travel agent. "Yep, a mechanical problem with the plane has pushed the flight back. You won't get into Toronto until 3am."Uh, no thanks. That's when I get up! So I decided to stay an extra day in Vegas, and it worked out well because I finished a LOT
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Last Workout in Vegas
Finished up one last quick and sweaty bodyweight workout in Vegas before it was time to head off to the airport. A classic Vegas 555 workout of 555 bodyweight reps from:Squat 325 repsPushup 130 repsBurpee 80 repsChin 10 reps Row 10 repsThis was well fueled by last night's big dinner at Joe's Stone Crab over in Caeser's Palace. Bedros and I always try to get in a visit to the Las Vegas or Miami
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Vegas Walk and Workout Part 3
Last night's dinner was a great time with Jon & Andrea Benson, Jason Ferruggia, Bedros Keuilian, and Mikey "NY Strip pansteak for dinner" Whitfield. I had a big pork chop, a highly underrated steakhouse meal. Earlier in the day ol' Jay Ferruggia went for our annual walk up and down the Vegas strip. We caught up on his training, his podcast, his 8-week long 40th birthday party celebration,
Friday, September 12, 2014
500 reps and 1000 calories in Vegas Day 2
Last night my buddy Jason Ferruggia arrived into Vegas. So he, Bedros, and myself went to Jean Georges Steakhouse in Aria. It's a great restaurant, but never busy, because I don't think anyone knows it is there. It's hidden up on Level 2 of Aria. The restaurants beside are always empty, too.But...The food is great. Big B went with the Armenian-Moscow-Mule-Pretzel-Bread approach to eating
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Paleo Chicken Chili Recipe
If you've ever struggled with a diet...I'm willing to bet BOREDOM was a big reason that it failed you. It's not your fault almost all diets suck. You see, it's easy to get into a rut and start eating the same thing over and over... feel frustrated... and then give up. This is even true with the Paleo Diet--easily the hottest diet in the world right now--because it limits nearly all
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
LV Meathead and Bodyweight Workout
Had a great day in Vegas. Met up with an old friend who is the GM of the new Michael Jackson Cirque show. We went for sushi. It was okay. Years ago I went way off the strip with Mike Geary and Jimmy "Vegas" Sweeney to a small sushi joint. It was amazing. Jimmy is a sushi freak. I'll have to ask him for the name of the place.Starting tonight we have four big dinners out.Tonight - Gordon Ramsay
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
14-day plan to lose fat fast
What's the BEST way to lose weight? I get this question all the time on our TT Facebook page (where we are coming up quickly on 200,000 Likes!). Too many people think they should do cardio. But that's WRONG. You should use diet and short, burst workouts, like the ones I give you, such as tomorrow's 7-Minute Lucky-7 Workout. I just did this 'themed' workout here in Las Vegas this morning,
Vegas Shenanigans Part 1
Shenanigans, albeit goofy ones, have already occurred on my trip to Vegas.Last night at midnight I woke up and had to go to the lil' boys room. I tried to roll out of bed, but you know how hotel bed sheets are often tucked into the corners tighter than a nuns bun? Well, my legs got caught and I literally fell out of bad, landing awkwardly in a split squat stance, with head just inches to the
Monday, September 8, 2014
5 snacks NEVER to eat
Snacking can be good, but done wrong with these 5 snack food disasters, snacking can ruin your diet and make you fatter. Get these snack foods out of your daily diet and use the guilt-free alternatives I give you instead. #1 - Avoid The Addictive Snack in a Bag: Trail Mix Our first snack is delicious and so easily addicting. But did you know that a single cup of your favorite trail mix
One more bodyweight workout
Finished up one more bodyweight workout in Austin. Now it's time to head to the airport and end up in Vegas a few hours later. I'll be there for almost a full week...might be my longest stint in Vegas ever, and I'm going to make it my healthiest, too. As soon as I land I'll head to Whole Foods to stock up on the healthy foods to get me through the week, such as:- spinach- broccoli- smoked
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Bodyweight is Bigger in Texas
Today's workout included 300 bodyweight squats, 201 pushups, and 100 bodyweight rows along with db presses, db lunges and planks.. Later today there is a big meal planned and some football. Until then I'll be writing or hanging out by the pool. Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:Every day you should think big, have gratitude and celebrate your achievements. That's how you keep the momentum going and
Friday, September 5, 2014
Denver workout and Austin diet
Lots of fun today. Started with an early bodyweight and dumbbell workout at the Four Seasons in Denver. My business partner, Matt Smith, lives in the hotel (in the residences), but he's moving out in a couple of weeks. This was my last chance to stay there and enjoy the hotel gym (stocked with crappy Technogym equipment!) and The Edge steakhouse (a Denver hot spot). Today's workout:1A)
Thursday, September 4, 2014
1 Yummy Food Trick for Faster Weight Loss
Did you know that traditional food timing recommendations, like "don't skip breakfast"... or "don't eat late at night"...or "make sure you eat before exercise" are all complete myths? Well, as you're about ready to discover inside the brand new article below, you should intentionally BREAK all 3 of these traditional "diet rules" if you want to look younger, increase your fat loss, and
Bodyweight and diet mistake
Oooops! You're going to like this. Last night I made a big diet blunder. After a huge dinner, I got tempted into chocolate covered almonds. I was so full and didn't need them, but ate them anyways. Maybe you can relate? Anyways, I felt terrible this morning. On the bright side, I had lots of energy for my workout...even though I felt awfully full. We all make those mistakes from time to
3 ab exercises not to do?
I worked my abs really hard this week...whooo-hoo, they are sore. It started with a 4-minute max plank to pre-fatigue my six-pack. That's a new record for me. Next up was a killer ab superset of TRX standing fallouts and Power Wheel rollouts. Four rounds of 15 reps per move left my abs rocked and rolled. No crunches or situps needed, because they are a waste of time. NOTE: Do NOT do
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
4 minute plank record
Bit of a recovery - and recording breaking - workout today.Started the day with 2 big servings of cacao nibs.I do not use a lot of caffeine, and whatever neuro-stimulant is in cacao (is it caffeine? Theobromine? not sure), it gets me wired.And so in just a short recovery workout I set a new personal record in the in boring ol' plank.Not only did I break a record, but I crushed it by 25%. I went
20 minute cardio myth
Last week Men's Health magazine asked me for the "worst fitness rule" ever. I told them it was this myth that has been around for years. You might have read that... "You must do 20 minutes of cardio before your body starts to burn fat." <= This is ridiculous and a complete LIE. Cardio is a terrible way to lose weight. Worse, did you know that one of the exercises below can actually make you
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Squats and bodyweight progress
Today it was back to the barbell and training at the Colorado Athletic Center on 16th street here in Denver. Fortunately there was no conditioning in today's session, so the altitude didn't crush me like yesterday. Lats are quite sore from yesterday's high volume pushups and chins, though. But overall I feel a lot less sore than expected.This is week 4 of my latest heavy lifting program
42-year old ripped freak
As we discussed last week, age is just a number. You can transform at ANY age. We've had 70-year old female TT readers losing weight and TT contest winners like Kerry Zelinka, at age 51, sporting ripped abs. You don't have to be 25 years old to have a lean, flat stomach. Recently I was in Florida with my good friend, Shaun Hadsall - whom you'll agree is RIPPED at age 42. He
How to Target Lower Belly Fat
As a fat loss expert, it's not very often that I come across a scientific-based method that can quickly target lower belly and stomach fat. That's why I wanted to make sure you saw this new approach that takes only 12 minutes. At the link below, my dear friends and America's "Most-Fit" Health & Fitness Pros, Shaun and Karen Hadsall give you a simple - and short - blueprint for QUICKLY
Monday, September 1, 2014
Dirty Denver Circuit
Curse you Denver, and your mile high altitude.Made for a Labor(ed) Day workout: 15 rounds of 30 bodyweight squats, 20 pushups, 5 pullups, 5 burpees. Also did 150 TRX rows to finish off. Toronto needs to step up its altitude to prepare me for this next time...or I need to start training at the top of the CN tower. Ha!I'm in town for a few days of meetings at our headquarters
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Caffeinated Deadlifting
Uh-oh, I've had too much caffeine and it appears to be reaching peak blood concentration levels. LOL. My mind is racing. Ideas are sprinting into my mind from all over the place. I can barely keep up to write them all down.Whew. I started this blog post 3.5 hours ago and now I'm finally slowing down to finish it. Ha.I don't react well to caffeine (I get anxious and forget to breathe deeply
Friday, August 29, 2014
So many of my clients say to me: "I feel I am close to breaking through, but I'm getting frustrated." Here's what I reply to them�"Don't lose this feeling. In almost all areas of life - from fat loss to making money - we go through a long period of doing the work with minimal to okay results...and then there is the WHOOOOOOSH effect when the breakthrough occurs. You are doing the work,
Thursday, August 28, 2014
1000 rep bodyweight workout
Whew. I got whooped today. It was a new Bodyweight 1000 program. I'll give you some of it, but it's going to be refined and polished up a bit to become part of the October TT WOM which will be "The TT Bodyweight 5K" (5000 reps over the course of a month). It's going to be a blast.It's 4 rounds of 250 reps right will be Workout B of the new program. It's a LOT of dense lower body
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
The Stupid Idea Workout
NOTE: There are only 2 days left to enter for your chance to win $1000 of my money in the 21st FREE Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. There is no cost to enter. Read the rules here. But don't choose the "Stupid Idea Workout" for your transformation. This is a really stupid idea. Now let me first say that sometimes you have to push yourself. You have to test your limits. Perhaps
Fun Workout
It's time to make working out fun again! Stop the boring cardio and machine workouts. Stop the endless ab crunches. With today's FREE workout you'll lose weight, burn fat, release stress, and have fun, and you don't need any equipment. Print this out and have fun. Free Fat Burning Workout By Daniel Woodrum, MCTT Master Certified Turbulence Trainer Jumping Jacks - 45 seconds + 15
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Squats and Rows and Bally the Dog Sitting
I will be out on the farm for a few days house-sitting. Early this morning I drove my mother into town as she is off on a big summer holiday trip. That means I'll be looking after ol' Bally the Dog all week. So far, so fun!Now I usually don't do this, but I drank 1/3 of one of those Monster Energy drinks and went to the gym for a big squat and bodyweight workout. Tomorrow I'm taking a full
Monday, August 25, 2014
This Move Burns 13.3 Calories Per Minute
There's ONE move that works 9 muscle groups and burns 13.3 calories at the SAME time...and that means BIG TIME fat loss. Daniel Woodrum, a celebrity kickboxing trainer in South Carolina uses this move with his A-list clients, including Darius Rucker (aka "Hootie" from Hootie and the Blowfish). This one move works your abs really hard and whittles down your waistline rather than building
Basement Bodyweight Battle
Back to the basement today. Oh, the dirty, dirty basement and the torturous workouts we do down there.Actually, it's really clean. haha. But the workout was still tough. The bodyweight battle began in the basement today...Exercise (total reps completed)1A) Pullups (37)1B) Elevated Pushups (100 - 50/side)1C) Squats (200)1D) Pushups (50)1E) Lunges (50/side)Then it was back up to the garage.2A)
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Deadlifts and Toronto CNE Time
Great workout today (deadlifts, bench press, bodyweight squats, pushups, & chin-ups). BW 33,333 Progress- 100 squats- 100 pushups- 42 chinups- 9,999 crunches. LOL.Now off to the big CNE fair in Toronto. Don't forget...Hope YOU are having a great weekend, too. Make sure to get your paper and enter the FREE TT Transformation Contest here -'s
Friday, August 22, 2014
Another bodyweight session
Alright, my legs are still sore from barbell squats, and also from yesterday's squats, but today was more squats. It was another bodyweight session on the road to 33,333 reps.This first group was done in a circuit...and the rep numbers are broken out over 5 rounds.Squats � 331Pushups � 131Burpee � 30Row � 30TBX � 100Ab Wheel � 60 Then I added this superset with reps broken up over 2
Old Man Strength Training
OK....this also applies to "old women" but I thought the title was catchier that way. Here is the deal; most trainers get this terribly wrong. By wrong I mean that their focus is 180 degrees out, exactly opposite of what it should be. And this concept also applies to middle age trainees (like me). Trainers and the major certifying agencies often get the programming backwards. Their focus is wrong, and as a result, they deliver much less than they should. Let's explore the issue a bit more.
Coach Dan John likes to say that strength training is loaded movement. There are basically 5 different fundamental human movements: push, pull, squat, hip hinge, and core/carry. Of course there are other movements, but these are the fundamental ones that form the basis of most athletic movements. They simply must be addressed in your training program or it is incomplete at best. Again, strength training is loaded movement. Load and movement (along with volume) are the major variables that are manipulated in designing a strength training program.
Young people spend lots of time running, jumping, tumbling, climbing trees, jumping over fences, wrestling, playing sports ............ moving. Active young people rarely have a movement deficit. I think you will agree that in general, young people move better than older people. They may not be strong, or even fit, but they can move.
As we get older, we don't do that stuff anymore. If you are 40+, when was the last time you climbed a tree or hopped over a fence? Your movement ability is not what it used to be. This is partly why recreational sports are so dangerous for 30 somethings. They are young enough to feel invincible, and to remember participating vigorously, but they have already lost some movement capability.
Which brings up a simple concept. Programming for younger trainees should focus on loading, with simple, basic movements. Of course, movement quality is always important! However, it is OK to use some machines to increase loading. However, for older adults, the focus should always be on movement. Movement is more important than loading!
Consider the exercise below. This is a seated overhead press. This is the kind of exercise that is often used with older adults. It is used because it is "safer" than the free weight version.
Monday - Swings
Tuesday - Getups
Wednesday - Pushups
Thursday - Swings
Friday - Getups
Saturday or Sunday - Pushups
Or maybe something like:
Monday/Thursday: Pushups, body rows
Tuesday/Friday: Goblet squats, Bulgarian goat belly swings
Or perhaps for a middle aged client:
Warm up: Turkish Getups, then: Pull-ups, dips, goblet squats, kettlebell swings
For an older adult, a program of nothing but Turkish Getups (starting unloaded and progressing to loaded as able) could be a life changer. In fact, for a middle aged adult, try working up to a 1/2 bodyweight Turkish Getup! If that is all you did, and you reached that goal, you would be a strong and capable human being!
Some parting thoughts. Doing some work on the ground is good. Any exercise that requires you to get off of the floor is going to be of benefit. Carry some stuff for distance. Training to pick things up off the floor is important. You are going to have to do that every day in real life anyway. Press things overhead. Most exercises should be done while supporting your own weight, and not sitting or lying down. Keep it simple! Focus on improving movement quality first, and loading second. Never sacrifice movement quality for loading.
Coach Dan John likes to say that strength training is loaded movement. There are basically 5 different fundamental human movements: push, pull, squat, hip hinge, and core/carry. Of course there are other movements, but these are the fundamental ones that form the basis of most athletic movements. They simply must be addressed in your training program or it is incomplete at best. Again, strength training is loaded movement. Load and movement (along with volume) are the major variables that are manipulated in designing a strength training program.
Young people spend lots of time running, jumping, tumbling, climbing trees, jumping over fences, wrestling, playing sports ............ moving. Active young people rarely have a movement deficit. I think you will agree that in general, young people move better than older people. They may not be strong, or even fit, but they can move.
As we get older, we don't do that stuff anymore. If you are 40+, when was the last time you climbed a tree or hopped over a fence? Your movement ability is not what it used to be. This is partly why recreational sports are so dangerous for 30 somethings. They are young enough to feel invincible, and to remember participating vigorously, but they have already lost some movement capability.
Which brings up a simple concept. Programming for younger trainees should focus on loading, with simple, basic movements. Of course, movement quality is always important! However, it is OK to use some machines to increase loading. However, for older adults, the focus should always be on movement. Movement is more important than loading!
Consider the exercise below. This is a seated overhead press. This is the kind of exercise that is often used with older adults. It is used because it is "safer" than the free weight version.
Here is the problem, all of the "movement" work is done by the machine. It is completely stabilized, with the movement path fixed. This removes all of the stability work, which is the most critical part for older adults! The legs are completely relaxed, the core does not really need to be engaged. Really, only the few muscles that are necessary to move the device along the fixed path are engaged. However, because the movement path is fixed, with little chance of deviation or error, it is safer to load heavy. That is why it is often used with older adults. Again, this is backwards. It is sacrificing movement for loading.
Take a look at the exercise below. This is a very "movement" focused exercise. It is a movement based version of the exercise above. Every muscle in the body is engaged from the muscles in your fingers to your toes. The core is locked down, the neck and traps are stabilizing the upper spine and shoulder blades. The lumbar stabilizers, glutes and hip flexors are stabilizing the trunk and hips. The legs are working to provide a strong base.
But, many trainers will object,"That exercise is not safe for older adults!" Wrong. It is not safe if the loading is too heavy. They may have to start unloaded! That is OK. Strength training is loaded movement. We don't sacrifice movement for loading, especially in older adults. Instead of prescribing exercises that help to restore functional movement, they often prescribe exercises like in the top picture (seated machine press). They emphasize loading over movement by having the older client do 5-6 exercise machines.
Instead, how about having an older client practice getting up off the floor instead (i.e., Turkish get ups, even without a load)? Maybe lift something off the floor and even press it overhead. It does not have to be heavy, yet. Instead of a machine bench press, how about a push up? Even if it is a knee pushup the core will still be engaged. What about a bodyweight squat instead of a machine leg press? Even if it is not a full squat initially, or they have to deload a bit by holding on to something (i.e. TRX), it is a more of a functional movement than the leg press and is plenty safe if loading is appropriate.
There are lots of simple programs that fit this template:
How about a version of the "Program Minimum"
Tuesday - Getups
Wednesday - Pushups
Thursday - Swings
Friday - Getups
Saturday or Sunday - Pushups
Or maybe something like:
Monday/Thursday: Pushups, body rows
Tuesday/Friday: Goblet squats, Bulgarian goat belly swings
Or perhaps for a middle aged client:
Warm up: Turkish Getups, then: Pull-ups, dips, goblet squats, kettlebell swings
For an older adult, a program of nothing but Turkish Getups (starting unloaded and progressing to loaded as able) could be a life changer. In fact, for a middle aged adult, try working up to a 1/2 bodyweight Turkish Getup! If that is all you did, and you reached that goal, you would be a strong and capable human being!
Some parting thoughts. Doing some work on the ground is good. Any exercise that requires you to get off of the floor is going to be of benefit. Carry some stuff for distance. Training to pick things up off the floor is important. You are going to have to do that every day in real life anyway. Press things overhead. Most exercises should be done while supporting your own weight, and not sitting or lying down. Keep it simple! Focus on improving movement quality first, and loading second. Never sacrifice movement quality for loading.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
700 reps to kickstart the 33,333 rep challenge
NOTE: Today kicks off your chance to win $1000 of my money with the 21st FREE Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. There is no cost to enter, but there is a deadline to enter. You must start soon. Read the rules here, and then read the message below to see the Transformation that I am doing alongside yours. My Transformation Workout Kicked off
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
My 21st TT Transformation Contest Entry of 33,333 bodyweight reps
While I was in Europe I did a lot of bodyweight training. I also was pushed by my training partners, Simon Black and Julian M. to think bigger and get outside of my comfort zone.I thought I was pushing myself with bodyweight exercises before. But I wasn't. Now I see what I'm capable of doing. And now I'm laying down a bodyweight gauntlet. Some of these numbers might seem really hard or really
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Back on the Squat Train
Back to the weights. Finally. Had a nice 15-hour hotel-to-farm journey from Prague yesterday, and it went smoothly. I was a little tired and weak today, but the workout was good.1A) Squat1B) Box Jump1C) Decline Pushup2A) Front Squat2B) Good Morning3) DB BGSSI also returned to FB QnA's today and the common question:What's the BEST way to lose weight?Answer:NEVER waste your time with cardio
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Jump Rope Workout
A new study published in Research Quarterly found that just 10 minutes of this fun workout is more effective than doing 30 minutes of cardio. Don't you want a workout that is 3x's more effective than boring cardio? However, here's the BEST part...It doesn't require fancy equipment and another study found that you'll burn a whopping 285 calories in only 15 minutes. What's the workout?
Prague Tower Hike on Saturday
Big Hike in Prague on Saturday...Up the Petrin Hill and then up the "Leaning Tower of Petrin" (haha). Glorious views. I also liked this photo of the painters in the park with the Prague Castle in the back. Oh, and there's one goofball photo of me on the Charles Bridge. (5 photos) Like .
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Go Navy beat Army! Motivating clip from Navy Wrestling.
Prague Buffet Tips
Today's diet tip is coming to you straight from Prague in the Czech Republic where I'm finishing up a nice weekend holiday. Tomorrow I head back to Toronto. Yesterday morning we climbed the famous Petrin Hill and Tower for an amazing view of this beautiful city. We fueled the hike with a huge buffet breakfast. That's one of my favorite things about Europe...the Europeans really know
Friday, August 15, 2014
7 organic foods NEVER to buy
Here's something controversial, but extremely true: You don't have to buy EVERYTHING organic to obtain a flat belly. That's great news from my friend Joel. He's going to save you money with these tips today... 7 Organic Foods NEVER to Eat Some foods are important, and others you can definitely get by with the regular stuff. For example, I always choose organic meats to avoid being
Prague Day 1
Great walk around Prague...excited to tackle Petrin Hill in the AM (that's the hill in the background of this one photo). Plus will have a pullup maximus workout update for you in the morning. Hanging out with my good friend Barry D...and when in Prague, of course, you go to an Argentinian steak house for dinner, right? That's the plan...details tomorrow.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Vatican Pushup Workout
When in Rome...Run over to the Vatican as the sun rises and do the "TT 7 Deadly Sins Pushup Workout" at 6am...and then Pantheon Prisoner Squats before anyone else gets there. The Pushup workout went like this: 0-2:00: Two minutes of as many pushups as in the downward dog position...hands can never leave the ground. 2:00-2:30 - Kneeling Rest (hands can leave ground) 2:30-3
Rome Workout and Crossing the Tiber
Hotel gym workout in Rome: Pullups, Bodyweight Squats, Pulldowns, Chest Supported Rows, Stability Ball Rollouts, DB Rear Delt Raises...also walked a few miles today, crossing the Tiber like Julius Caesar, and climbed the Spanish Steps...and I did it all WITHOUT "Doctor Monster" (I don't think they have this in America, do they?)...Tomorrow morning I'll take an early trip to the
Jump rope workout
It's the #1 piece of equipment that lean and slim men and women use on a consistent basis. And it burns 19 calories a minute to flatten your tummy and even get you ripped abs like a boxer. Last week I used the jump rope while staying at my friend's villa just outside of Spolento, Italy. It was an amazing minimal equipment workout. Here's a sample workout using the MOST affordable fat
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Workout secret from Hong Kong and Hollywood
Researchers from Hong Kong have discovered why Hollywood celebrities are going Ga-Ga for this new type of training. These workouts have been used by everyone from Jennifer Lopez to Hugh Jackman to get a sexy, slim stomach and even a ripped superhero body. To keep Jennifer's famous figure in shape, trainer Gunnar Peterson uses the TRX: "Jennifer uses them for push-ups, abs, arms, and legs --
Maximus Workouts from Italy
From Spoleto, Italy...Started the day with an amazing workout soundtrack of roosters crowing and dogs barking while I did 250 pushups (regular, decline, close-grip) and Pull-up Maximus (20 seconds pullups, 10 second hold top position x 2 rounds) and Chin-Up Maximus (same). Crazy tough challenges! (6 photos) Like And a great success story from a TT user...
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Never eat these foods
Often times people ask me why they aren't losing weight even when they are eating healthy. Well, most times, it's simply because they are choosing the WRONG foods. Fortunately, a world-famous nutritionist just wrote a controversial new report that you can download for free today, showing you 8 of the absolute WORST health foods for your waistline. He even claims that fruits can make you
TT in the Eternal City of Rome Forever!
This morning in Rome I invented two new challenge workouts. I was stuck in a small hotel room with no equipment (for the 6th day in a row). Tomorrow will be another upper body pushup challenge, and maybe a pullup challenge if I can find a bar here at the villa where I am staying near Spolento, Italy. Last night we kicked off a short visit to the eternal city (literally just 12 hours before
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Graduate workout Punisher!
Today's Blacksmith Camp Graduation Workout from Trakai, Lithuania: 1) Spiderman Pushups - Max Reps 2) Total Body Extensions - 30 reps, 15 sec rest, 30 reps 3) Pushup Maximus - 20 seconds pushups, 10 sec "rest" in the top position, repeat 3 times 4) Punisher Maximus - 30 seconds work, 30 seconds "rest" in the bottom position, repeat 4 times ... I didn't get a group workout photo, but here's
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Ruck Training Program
I have updated the ruck training program. After experimenting with some simple strength programs, we have settled on an approach that works well with ruck training. I have updated the ruck training program to include that strength program. You can find the ruck training program on my blog by clicking on the hyperlinks on the right side of the page.

Updated SEAL Screener - BUD/S Training Program
This is the 4th edition of the program. Although it was edited very recently, I updated it again based on our recent experience with the Tactical Athlete Program assessment. The most recent version of this program can be found on my blog by clicking the hyperlink on the right side of the page.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Short Burst Travel Workouts Through Germany and Lithuania
4-minute workout from the Frankfurt Airport yesterday. I had a few hours between flights and wanted to get moving, just like you do each morning. Here's what I did. 1) Bodyweight Squats � 1 minute 2) Pushups � 1 minute (hold a push-up plank if you tire out) 3) Total Body Extensions � 1 minute 4) Mountain Climbers � 1 minuteToday's Morning Workout:1) Prisoner Squats - 30 reps2) Pushups - 20 reps3
Monday, August 4, 2014
Yoga Crow and Handstand Pushups and Euro Prep
Got a few good ones for you today. And I have even better kickbutt mindset tips for you. I was moving slow today, sore from squats yesterday, but I still managed to finish a good upper body strength workout with Bally the Dog monitoring my progress. I trained this way in prep for my trip to Europe because we'll be doing a lot of bodyweight workouts and I need variety in my moves. 1A
Scientific brown fat article on fat burning
This is a pretty interesting new FACT about losing belly fat... I just read a quick article about an unusual 30-second daily routine used to trigger increased fat burning in your body. It has something to do with stimulating what's called "brown fat" inside your body. "Brown fat" - that we ALL have in our bodies - has been scientifically shown to increase your metabolic rate and aid fat loss..
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Saturday Circuit and Salmon and Steaks
Wow. 175,000 fans over on Facebook.Come by and check us out if you haven't already:www.turbulencetrainingfanpage.comJust did a QnA over there. Here's the most popular answer I give out 25% of the time to people asking about how to lose fat. Here's the perfect plan: You must combine diet with total body metabolic resistance training for the perfect 1-2 punch for losing belly fat. Grab these
Friday, August 1, 2014
3 minute trick
In today's article, we're going to show you a somewhat unique little exercise you can do in only 3 minutes, and it's proven to flatten your stomach if you do it consistently... In fact, you can even do this little 3 minute belly-flattening exercise while sitting in your chair at work... I'm not kidding! And it works equally well for both men and women (and probably even better for women!): >
Friday Fat Burner for Jessica Alba
If anyone knows her, please pass along this workout.:) But first...I just shared this with my CTT's and wanted to do so hear as well. First, I hope you are having an AWESOME summer. Just a little update and inspiration for you as we get thinking about school starting and our fitness businesses getting busy again in September. As you might have realized, I like to make little jokes about
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Bulletproof Body Training Plan
This program was originally designed for a Midshipman at the US Naval Academy who was about a year away from participating in the SEAL Screener. Because he was a Midshipman, and a water polo player, he had little extra time and energy to devote to a supplemental conditioning program for the screener. However, he needed supplemental work to ensure that he was rugged and strong enough to survive the screener and so that he could perform well on the physical tests. It turns out that many warriors are in a similar situation. They need a strong, resilient body but have little time and energy left to accomplish this goal with heavy job commitments. With a well designed program, these goals are achievable without too much time commitment. Quality trumps quantity. This is a sustainable, day to day, year round type of plan. Many warriors will use this as a baseline plan, with some additional running or rucking and will from time to time ramp things up for a special event or school.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
21 Exercise Substitutions
This is long overdue, and for that I apologize. Here's the Turbulence Training Ultimate Exercise Substitutions List. Feel free to add your suggestions or follow up questions below, and we'll keep building this great resource. There are at least 21 great replacements for common exercises that TT readers can't do for one reason or another. ***************************************
Deadlift before the big city with coach
I won't be getting much done today due to travel. I'm heading from the farm to the big city, so I hit the gym early today.This was week 2 of my current program. I did bench and deadlift to cut down on the number of times I need to go to an actual gym. I can do the assistance stuff at home.1A) Long Jump1B) Trap Bar DL2A) Hang Clean2B) Bench3A) RDL 3B) OH SquatIt's great to have your coach
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
#1 Hollywood Body Exercise
According to one of those celebrity gossip magazines (Bally the Dog has a subscription, I swear!), "In less than five months, Jessica Alba has gone from pregnant to bikini-clad" thanks to one exercise. Alba's mean ol' trainer makes her do this exercise almost every workout. And mean ol' CB likes it too. In fact, I used it yesterday morning while training one of my "guinea pig lab rat"
1000 rep challenge in under 30 minutes or it is free
This a small gamble, but I won. Again.After all, we live by this Kekich Credo, right?" Half-hearted efforts = half-hearted results. Do more than is expected of you. Life's easy when you live it the hard way�and hard if you try to live it the easy way." � Kekich Credo #4My Gamble was the 30-Minute 1000 rep challenge. I wanted a tough circuit for some reason today, even though I'm deadlifting
Monday, July 28, 2014
4x's more fat loss for people over 30
Do you ever feel like you're too busy to look and feel amazing? That your work and family responsibilities are keeping you from ever feeling young, sexy and energetic again? If so, then I promise you're NOT alone. As we get older, life gets more...complicated. And over time, that number on the scale keeps creeping up and we start feeling older. But it doesn't have to
Upper Body Fun
I shall suffer the pain of discipline today, enjoy it, and benefit from it so that I do not suffer the shameful pain of regret.And so I did with this garage gym upper body meathead workout:1) KB Snatches - 4x12/side2A) KB OH Press 2B) DB Row3) Max Pushup sets to get 100 reps4A) DB Floor Press4B) KB ShrugGood times. That was it. Upper back was a little tight from yesterday's heavy squatting (
Sunday, July 27, 2014
ny times
The numbers were startling: Shares of Chipotle Mexican Grill shot up 12 percent on Tuesday after the company reported a nearly 26 percent spurt in its quarterly profit. For the fast-food industry, this was fresh evidence that the world of Big Macs and Doritos Locos Tacos has room for a menu with healthier-than-average food and higher-than-average prices.But it came as no surprise to a new
5 snacks to avoid
Most people have read that snacking is good for your metabolism. But... ...if you eat these 5 snack food disasters, you will actually gain weight and get a bigger belly. Worse, you'll mess up your fat burning hormones so that it makes it harder to lose fat. Today you're going to discover the shocking truth about 5 so-called "healthy" snack foods that are wrecking your diet and
Saturday, July 26, 2014
3 wrong exercises
If you are doing these 3 wrong exercises, you are completely wasting your time in the gym. Please stop doing biceps curls, triceps kickbacks, or side bends. Those do NOTHING for your fat loss or body sculpting. While we're at it, bicycle cross crunches and long slow cardio don't work either. That's research proven to be a waste of time. The good news is that you only need a few minutes a
Saturday Circuit
This is going to be another PERFECT Saturday morning, and you'll get a fast fat burning workout to kickstart your full day of fat loss... Did this 4-Minute NO-equipment workout and followed it with a couple rounds of KB snatches, then a bike ride, and morning paper. The Weekend Fat Burning Workout 1) Punisher Squats - 20 seconds squats, 10 second hold in bottom position 2) Spiderman
Confusing Cost and Benefit: METCON, mass and strength
Strength Coach Charles Staley said that everything has a cost, but not everything has a benefit. There is a lot of training wisdom in that statement. This is the most common mistake most trainers and trainees make. Just because something is hard, does not mean it is going to get you closer to your goals. METCON is perhaps the most widely abused training method that comes to mind. If you have done any METCON training, the cost is obvious. METCON is really, really hard. But what are the benefits? METCON is not effective for building muscle mass (beyond beginners). METCON is not effective for building strength. In fact METCON can interfere with both strength and muscle hypertrophy. METCON loading is not heavy enough for either and it is taking away recovery reserves that would be used to grow muscle. It is hard (cost), but for some, it may move them further away from their goals (negative benefit). A skinny guy looking to get big and strong should be doing very little METCON. Very little. When I see groups of skinny guys doing air squats and burpees I often wonder what they are trying to achieve. I see this often. Most likely they are confusing cost with benefit. They assume that since the workout is really, really hard it must be good, right? Good for what? Mostly good for keeping skinny guys skinny. For a skinny guy, METCON has a definite cost, but may not have the benefit they want, unless they want to stay skinny.
Training (as opposed to just working out) is a process of applying progressive overload to get from your current condition (point A) to your goal condition (point B). It is not about cost, it is about benefit (getting to point B)! It is easy to be hard, but it is hard to be smart (USMC quote).
So what is METCON good for?
What is METCON not good for?
Training (as opposed to just working out) is a process of applying progressive overload to get from your current condition (point A) to your goal condition (point B). It is not about cost, it is about benefit (getting to point B)! It is easy to be hard, but it is hard to be smart (USMC quote).
So what is METCON good for?
- Burning calories, weight loss
- Conditioning for high intensity work
- Building mental toughness
- Non-specific cardio training
What is METCON not good for?
- Muscle hypertrophy
- Building strength
Every thing you do in training should be scrutinized from the perspective of whether it helps to get you from point A to point B. Never add in something just to increase the cost of your training session unless that cost is associated with a benefit. It is better to think in terms of adding benefit. As simple as this concept is, few trainees, and sadly, few trainers get this right. Train smart.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Demonstrating VS Building Strength
I learned from Coach Dan John that the first thing you do in a fitness consultation is establish point A and point B. Point A is where you are now (level of fitness, time available, experience, knowledge, injuries etc.) and point B is your goal. This sounds easy, but it is harder than you think. A young man came to see me for a fitness consultation recently to get some help with is goal of doing muscle ups. After scratching the surface a bit more, it turns out that his real goal was to get stronger. As it turns out, he figured that if he could do muscle ups, he would be strong. He was confusing demonstrating strength with building strength. I blame YouTube. Coach Steve Maxwell does a much better job of explaining this concept than I could. You should read what he has to say about it here:
Why do women exercise like this?
It's really confusing. So many women are willing to work so hard, but they do almost everything wrong at the gym. I don't understand why women exercise with 4 types of arm exercises and 30 minutes devoted to chest exercises. That only makes people bigger (which is fine if you're a bodybuilder, but most folks don't want that). And why do women do bicycle cross crunches? Those don't work. And
5 Tricks to Maximize Fat Burning
Let's start today with some STRAIGHT talk...the motivation you need to finish the week strong (and don't miss the inspirational image at the end of the email, either). Listen... Whatever is in your way, you're stronger than it, you're tougher than it, and you're better than it. You're going to beat it. No matter what happened yesterday, stay strong and get STRONGER today. I believe in
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Handstand pushups making a comeback
It is an absolutely perfect day here in my lil' town of Stratford, Ontario. It's cool for a summer's day, but I prefer that. It would be just right to do the Justin Bieber walking tour. Alas, I'm too busy for that. But... I went to our little health food store. It's our Whole Foods with less junk (there is SO MUCH JUNK in Whole Foods these should be called 1/2 Junk, 1/2 Whole
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Why do women exercise like this?
It's really confusing. So many women are willing to work so hard, but they do almost everything wrong at the gym. I don't understand why women exercise with 4 types of arm exercises and 30 minutes devoted to chest exercises. That only makes people bigger (which is fine if you're a bodybuilder, but most folks don't want that). And why do women do bicycle cross crunches? Those don't work. And
80 degree TT hot yoga
Yoga time. This was fun.80 degree garage + 19 minute bodyweight circuit + 20 minutes follow up 'meathead' yoga = sweaty good morning. That was so much better than a traditional cardio workout, of course.Cardio confusion? Find out how to do fat burning interval training in this FREE report =>'s Kickbutt Mindset Tips:The first and most important
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
3 Steps to Fix Your Trouble Spots
Everyone knows spot reduction is impossible - right? I was arguing about this with my friend, Shaun Hadsall, the other day. Shaun says you CAN specifically target the stubborn fat targeting your trouble spots. I say, "Prove it." So Shaun went back in his lab in Central Michigan and did 2 things t: a) He put together a report, The 7-Day Spot Reduction Solution b) He
Deadlifts Tire out the Dog?
This is what I found when I got downstairs early this morning.Poor ol' pooches. Too much sun yesterday for him, methinks. I believe the word is "tired". How YOU feeling today?I had a great workout today, but I still didn't get as tired as he was...1A) Bench Press1B) Deadlift Warmup2A) Trap Bar Deadlift2B) Long Jump3A) Hang Clean3B) Take weights off trap bar 4A) RDL 4B) Overhead SquatGood times.
Monday, July 21, 2014
7 weight loss myths exposed
Best-selling diet author JJ Virgin recently made this controversial statement: "Counting calories doesn't work, and worse, most exercise programs actually lower your metabolism." It's harsh, but true. She's dead on the money. So many trainers and magazines are giving the wrong advice. But here's the good news. My good friend - and PERSONAL adviser on my digestive health issues - Dr.
Weekend workouts and yoga
On Saturday morning I did a short workout before hopping on my bike and heading down to the Savor Stratford food festival in my little hometown on Saturday. I was obviously an early-bird arrival but it was great to see all the booths with organic food. They even had a booth for "The
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Escape from the gym workout. A simple, functional workout with minimal equipment
I designed this workout to take a 6-8 week break from the gym. The goal was to work on a few simple, functional movements with minimal equipment on my own, away from the gym. Workout A was very, very tough. Workout B was not much easier, especially after the sprints. This simple workout is very effective and is better than what 95% of gym goers are doing, despite having access to lots of equipment. This is something that you can do in your garage or back yard with minimal equipment and space. Because my goals are always about remaining resilient and performing outside of the gym, this workout was focused on loading the fundamental human movement patterns and developing a body that is harder to break and more resistant to injury. As always with my programming, it is a quality over quantity approach. I hope you enjoy it.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
How to Eat More Carbs and Lose More Fat
f you've been dieting forever and exercising to lose weight BUT you are struggling with a fat loss plateau, don't worry, because my friend Shaun Hadsall, over-40 nutrition expert, has GREAT news for you today. He explains why too much dieting and too much cardio can actually cause the following negative side effects: Slower fat burning and weight loss plateausIncreased risk of catching a cold
Friday, July 18, 2014
Back in the Squat Lab and out with the chocolate lab
"When he goes back to his mobile home, that's when it's. Back to the lab again, yo. This whole rhapsody. He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass." - Eminem Back to the lab again, indeed. This was day 1, week 1, of my new program. 1A) Squats 1B) Depth Jumps 2A) Good Morning 2B) Olympic Squat 3A) Split Squat 3B) DB Renegade Row 3rd superset is a bear, as my old man would have
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Basement punisher
Today's basement workout: 5 Rafter Pullups, 10 Pushups, 5 Rafter Pullups, 10 Power Wheel Rollouts, 10 SlamBall Slams, No Sweeping. Max rounds/reps in 20 minutes. Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:"If you diligently and successfully apply each concept...and you continue to push in a consistent direction...accumulating momentum step by step and turn by turn, you will eventually breakthrough.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
5 rules for fast fat loss
All the politically correct nutritionists that tell you to ONLY lose a pound per week are dead WRONG. Research proves that you need to lose fat fast to keep fat off and keep losing fat fast. As much as we'd like to think that "slow and steady" wins the race when it comes to losing fat and achieving our perfect look, it's simply not the case. In fact, did you know that your current
Doggy Intervals
I continue my off week from heavy lifting today. After a dog walk I went straight to a 20minute, 23second conditioning circuit. Sweat was pouring, quads were weakening, and fat was burning. It went like this:Total Body Extension (30), Box Jump (10), Jump Rope (50), Slam Ball (15),
5 foods NOT to buy organic
If you're like me, you're confused about the TRUTH behind organic fruits and veggies. When is it best to pay the extra money? Well, that depends on whether the Big Food companies are involved! Here's a SHOCKING fact that you probably didn't know: 99% of the organic nutrition companies are now owned by Big Food Industry companies that can't be trusted. For example, I personally will NEVER
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