Thursday, July 31, 2014

Bulletproof Body Training Plan

 Bulletproof Plan PDF

This program was originally designed for a Midshipman at the US Naval Academy who was  about a year away from participating in the SEAL Screener.  Because he was a Midshipman, and a water polo player, he had little extra time and energy to devote to a supplemental conditioning program for the screener.  However, he needed supplemental work to ensure that he was rugged and strong enough to survive the screener and so that he could perform well on the physical tests.  It turns out that many warriors are in a similar situation.   They need a strong, resilient body but have little time and energy left to accomplish this goal with heavy job commitments.  With a well designed program, these goals are achievable without too much time commitment.  Quality trumps quantity.  This is a sustainable, day to day, year round type of plan.  Many warriors will use this as a baseline plan, with some additional running or rucking and will from time to time ramp things up for a special event or school.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

21 Exercise Substitutions

This is long overdue, and for that I apologize. Here's the Turbulence Training Ultimate Exercise Substitutions List. Feel free to add your suggestions or follow up questions below, and we'll keep building this great resource. There are at least 21 great replacements for common exercises that TT readers can't do for one reason or another. ***************************************

Deadlift before the big city with coach

I won't be getting much done today due to travel. I'm heading from the farm to the big city, so I hit the gym early today.This was week 2 of my current program. I did bench and deadlift to cut down on the number of times I need to go to an actual gym. I can do the assistance stuff at home.1A) Long Jump1B) Trap Bar DL2A) Hang Clean2B) Bench3A) RDL 3B) OH SquatIt's great to have your coach

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

#1 Hollywood Body Exercise

According to one of those celebrity gossip magazines (Bally the Dog has a subscription, I swear!), "In less than five months, Jessica Alba has gone from pregnant to bikini-clad" thanks to one exercise. Alba's mean ol' trainer makes her do this exercise almost every workout. And mean ol' CB likes it too. In fact, I used it yesterday morning while training one of my "guinea pig lab rat"

1000 rep challenge in under 30 minutes or it is free

This a small gamble, but I won. Again.After all, we live by this Kekich Credo, right?" Half-hearted efforts = half-hearted results. Do more than is expected of you. Life's easy when you live it the hard way�and hard if you try to live it the easy way." � Kekich Credo #4My Gamble was the 30-Minute 1000 rep challenge. I wanted a tough circuit for some reason today, even though I'm deadlifting

Monday, July 28, 2014

4x's more fat loss for people over 30

Do you ever feel like you're too busy to look and feel amazing? That your work and family responsibilities are keeping you from ever feeling young, sexy and energetic again? If so, then I promise you're NOT alone. As we get older, life gets more...complicated. And over time, that number on the scale keeps creeping up and we start feeling older. But it doesn't have to

Upper Body Fun

I shall suffer the pain of discipline today, enjoy it, and benefit from it so that I do not suffer the shameful pain of regret.And so I did with this garage gym upper body meathead workout:1) KB Snatches - 4x12/side2A) KB OH Press 2B) DB Row3) Max Pushup sets to get 100 reps4A) DB Floor Press4B) KB ShrugGood times. That was it. Upper back was a little tight from yesterday's heavy squatting (

Sunday, July 27, 2014

ny times

The numbers were startling: Shares of Chipotle Mexican Grill shot up 12 percent on Tuesday after the company reported a nearly 26 percent spurt in its quarterly profit. For the fast-food industry, this was fresh evidence that the world of Big Macs and Doritos Locos Tacos has room for a menu with healthier-than-average food and higher-than-average prices.But it came as no surprise to a new

5 snacks to avoid

Most people have read that snacking is good for your metabolism. But... ...if you eat these 5 snack food disasters, you will actually gain weight and get a bigger belly. Worse, you'll mess up your fat burning hormones so that it makes it harder to lose fat. Today you're going to discover the shocking truth about 5 so-called "healthy" snack foods that are wrecking your diet and

Saturday, July 26, 2014

3 wrong exercises

If you are doing these 3 wrong exercises, you are completely wasting your time in the gym. Please stop doing biceps curls, triceps kickbacks, or side bends. Those do NOTHING for your fat loss or body sculpting. While we're at it, bicycle cross crunches and long slow cardio don't work either. That's research proven to be a waste of time. The good news is that you only need a few minutes a

Saturday Circuit

This is going to be another PERFECT Saturday morning, and you'll get a fast fat burning workout to kickstart your full day of fat loss... Did this 4-Minute NO-equipment workout and followed it with a couple rounds of KB snatches, then a bike ride, and morning paper. The Weekend Fat Burning Workout 1) Punisher Squats - 20 seconds squats, 10 second hold in bottom position 2) Spiderman

Confusing Cost and Benefit: METCON, mass and strength

Strength Coach Charles Staley said that everything has a cost, but not everything has a benefit.  There is a lot of training wisdom in that statement.  This is the most common mistake most trainers and trainees make.  Just because something is hard, does not mean it is going to get you closer to your goals.  METCON is perhaps the most widely abused training method that comes to mind.  If you have done any METCON training, the cost is obvious.  METCON is really, really hard.  But what are the benefits?  METCON is not effective for building muscle mass (beyond beginners).  METCON is not effective for building strength.  In fact METCON can interfere with both strength and muscle hypertrophy.  METCON loading is not heavy enough for either and it is taking away recovery reserves that would be used to grow muscle.  It is hard (cost), but for some, it may move them further away from their goals (negative benefit).   A skinny guy looking to get big and strong should be doing very little METCON.  Very little.  When I see groups of skinny guys doing air squats and burpees I often wonder what they are trying to achieve.  I see this often.  Most likely they are confusing cost with benefit.  They assume that since the workout is really, really hard it must be good, right?  Good for what?  Mostly good for keeping skinny guys skinny.  For a skinny guy, METCON has a definite cost, but may not have the benefit they want, unless they want to stay skinny.

Training (as opposed to just working out) is a process of applying progressive overload to get from your current condition (point A) to your goal condition (point B).  It is not about cost, it is about benefit (getting to point B)!  It is easy to be hard, but it is hard to be smart (USMC quote).

So what is METCON good for?

  1. Burning calories, weight loss
  2. Conditioning for high intensity work
  3. Building mental toughness
  4. Non-specific cardio training

What is METCON not good for?

  1. Muscle hypertrophy
  2. Building strength
Every thing you do in training should be scrutinized from the perspective of whether it helps to get you from point A to point B.  Never add in something just to increase the cost of your training session unless that cost is associated with a benefit.  It is better to think in terms of adding benefit.  As simple as this concept is, few trainees, and sadly, few trainers get this right.  Train smart. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Demonstrating VS Building Strength

I learned from Coach Dan John that the first thing you do in a fitness consultation is establish point A and point B.  Point A is where you are now (level of fitness, time available, experience, knowledge, injuries etc.) and point B is your goal.  This sounds easy, but it is harder than you think.  A young man came to see me for a fitness consultation recently to get some help with is goal of doing muscle ups.  After scratching the surface a bit more, it turns out that his real goal was to get stronger.  As it turns out, he figured that if he could do muscle ups, he would be strong.  He was confusing demonstrating strength with building strength.  I blame YouTube.  Coach Steve Maxwell does a much better job of explaining this concept than I could.  You should read what he has to say about it here:

Why do women exercise like this?

It's really confusing. So many women are willing to work so hard, but they do almost everything wrong at the gym. I don't understand why women exercise with 4 types of arm exercises and 30 minutes devoted to chest exercises. That only makes people bigger (which is fine if you're a bodybuilder, but most folks don't want that). And why do women do bicycle cross crunches? Those don't work. And

5 Tricks to Maximize Fat Burning

Let's start today with some STRAIGHT talk...the motivation you need to finish the week strong (and don't miss the inspirational image at the end of the email, either). Listen... Whatever is in your way, you're stronger than it, you're tougher than it, and you're better than it. You're going to beat it. No matter what happened yesterday, stay strong and get STRONGER today. I believe in

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Handstand pushups making a comeback

It is an absolutely perfect day here in my lil' town of Stratford, Ontario. It's cool for a summer's day, but I prefer that. It would be just right to do the Justin Bieber walking tour. Alas, I'm too busy for that. But... I went to our little health food store. It's our Whole Foods with less junk (there is SO MUCH JUNK in Whole Foods these should be called 1/2 Junk, 1/2 Whole

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Why do women exercise like this?

It's really confusing. So many women are willing to work so hard, but they do almost everything wrong at the gym. I don't understand why women exercise with 4 types of arm exercises and 30 minutes devoted to chest exercises. That only makes people bigger (which is fine if you're a bodybuilder, but most folks don't want that). And why do women do bicycle cross crunches? Those don't work. And

80 degree TT hot yoga

Yoga time. This was fun.80 degree garage + 19 minute bodyweight circuit + 20 minutes follow up 'meathead' yoga = sweaty good morning. That was so much better than a traditional cardio workout, of course.Cardio confusion? Find out how to do fat burning interval training in this FREE report =>'s Kickbutt Mindset Tips:The first and most important

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

3 Steps to Fix Your Trouble Spots

Everyone knows spot reduction is impossible - right? I was arguing about this with my friend, Shaun Hadsall, the other day. Shaun says you CAN specifically target the stubborn fat targeting your trouble spots. I say, "Prove it." So Shaun went back in his lab in Central Michigan and did 2 things t: a) He put together a report, The 7-Day Spot Reduction Solution b) He

Deadlifts Tire out the Dog?

This is what I found when I got downstairs early this morning.Poor ol' pooches. Too much sun yesterday for him, methinks. I believe the word is "tired". How YOU feeling today?I had a great workout today, but I still didn't get as tired as he was...1A) Bench Press1B) Deadlift Warmup2A) Trap Bar Deadlift2B) Long Jump3A) Hang Clean3B) Take weights off trap bar 4A) RDL 4B) Overhead SquatGood times.

Monday, July 21, 2014

7 weight loss myths exposed

Best-selling diet author JJ Virgin recently made this controversial statement: "Counting calories doesn't work, and worse, most exercise programs actually lower your metabolism." It's harsh, but true. She's dead on the money. So many trainers and magazines are giving the wrong advice. But here's the good news. My good friend - and PERSONAL adviser on my digestive health issues - Dr.

Weekend workouts and yoga

On Saturday morning I did a short workout before hopping on my bike and heading down to the Savor Stratford food festival in my little hometown on Saturday. I was obviously an early-bird arrival but it was great to see all the booths with organic food. They even had a booth for "The

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Escape from the gym workout. A simple, functional workout with minimal equipment

I designed this workout to take a 6-8 week break from the gym.  The goal was to work on a few simple, functional movements with minimal equipment on my own, away from the gym.  Workout A was very, very tough.  Workout B was not much easier, especially after the sprints.  This simple workout is very effective and is better than what 95% of gym goers are doing, despite having access to lots of equipment.  This is something that you can do in your garage or back yard with minimal equipment and space.  Because my goals are always about remaining resilient and performing outside of the gym, this workout was focused on loading the fundamental human movement patterns and developing a body that is harder to break and more resistant to injury.  As always with my programming, it is a quality over quantity approach.   I hope you enjoy it.

 Escape from the gym PDF

Saturday, July 19, 2014

How to Eat More Carbs and Lose More Fat

f you've been dieting forever and exercising to lose weight BUT you are struggling with a fat loss plateau, don't worry, because my friend Shaun Hadsall, over-40 nutrition expert, has GREAT news for you today. He explains why too much dieting and too much cardio can actually cause the following negative side effects: Slower fat burning and weight loss plateausIncreased risk of catching a cold

Friday, July 18, 2014

Back in the Squat Lab and out with the chocolate lab

"When he goes back to his mobile home, that's when it's. Back to the lab again, yo. This whole rhapsody. He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass." - Eminem Back to the lab again, indeed. This was day 1, week 1, of my new program. 1A) Squats 1B) Depth Jumps 2A) Good Morning 2B) Olympic Squat 3A) Split Squat 3B) DB Renegade Row 3rd superset is a bear, as my old man would have

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Basement punisher

Today's basement workout: 5 Rafter Pullups, 10 Pushups, 5 Rafter Pullups, 10 Power Wheel Rollouts, 10 SlamBall Slams, No Sweeping. Max rounds/reps in 20 minutes. Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:"If you diligently and successfully apply each concept...and you continue to push in a consistent direction...accumulating momentum step by step and turn by turn, you will eventually breakthrough.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

5 rules for fast fat loss

All the politically correct nutritionists that tell you to ONLY lose a pound per week are dead WRONG. Research proves that you need to lose fat fast to keep fat off and keep losing fat fast. As much as we'd like to think that "slow and steady" wins the race when it comes to losing fat and achieving our perfect look, it's simply not the case. In fact, did you know that your current

Doggy Intervals

I continue my off week from heavy lifting today. After a dog walk I went straight to a 20minute, 23second conditioning circuit. Sweat was pouring, quads were weakening, and fat was burning. It went like this:Total Body Extension (30), Box Jump (10), Jump Rope (50), Slam Ball (15),

5 foods NOT to buy organic

If you're like me, you're confused about the TRUTH behind organic fruits and veggies. When is it best to pay the extra money? Well, that depends on whether the Big Food companies are involved! Here's a SHOCKING fact that you probably didn't know: 99% of the organic nutrition companies are now owned by Big Food Industry companies that can't be trusted. For example, I personally will NEVER

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Workout The Garden The Mission

It is an off-week, or deload week, for me. Yesterday I practiced some lower body moves for Bodyweight Bodybuilding #3. Today I played around with more band training. The TT Client of the Year 2014, my best friend J-Roc, is loving the pumps from the bands that he's getting in the latest meathead workout.My training today was done in a weird order but purpose was to keep it light:1A) DB-Band

Saturday, July 12, 2014

3 ab exercises for over 40?

You've never done ab training like this... ...that's why I had to make a video with world-famous TRX guru, the legendary and high-energy Over-40 training expert, Dan Long. I go all the way to Florida each winter just to tap into his TRX-brain to give me hundreds of new exercise ideas, including these ones: Watch this video for his 3 best ab exercises Literally, you have NEVER seen these

Cleveland and Metabolic Treasure

For some reason I've been fascinated by NBA free agency. Great suspense. I've paid more attention to it than the world cup (stopped watching 3 weeks ago) and I really love soccer (futbol). Perhaps it was because I was in Cleveland the other weekend...and that I have a friend from Cleveland who absolutely loves his city more than anyone I have ever met loves their hometown. It's intense.So

Start your day with this inspiration

It's called, "What Two Marines In The Path Of A Truck Bomb Can Teach You About Hitting Goals". It was my big speech at the TT Summit a few weeks ago. It was hard-as-heck to stand in front of 150 people and tell this story without choking up...but I did the best I could. Watch the first 90 seconds of the 2 Marines story here <= the big speech I spent three straight mornings in San

Friday, July 11, 2014

Trapped in a Dead Bar

Weird title. Just goofing around. Had a great workout today. 1A) Trap Bar Deadlift - Worked up to 365x31B) Long Jump2A) Hang Clean - 3x82B) Taking weight off the trap bar3) Deadlift - 225x10x5 - 5 reps EMOTM for 10 minutes4A) Leg Curls 4B) Stretching for upper body My little slice of heaven in Southwestern Ontario, Canadia. Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip: Overcome fear. Destroy weakness.

The Science of Muscle Hypertrophy

In an exhaustive review of the research literature on muscle hypertrophy, 3 Swedish researchers (Wernbom, Augustsson, and Thomee, 2007), came to the following conclusions about how to optimally train for muscular hypertrophy based on the available science:

Load: 75-80% of one rep max
Volume: 8-10 repetitions, 3-6 sets per muscle group
Rest: 60-90 seconds between sets
Frequency: 2-3 sessions per muscle group per week
Contraction type:  emphasize both the concentric and eccentric part of the lift
Lift speed: 1-2 seconds up, 1-2 seconds down

These simple recommendations are the foundations of all good drug free bodybuilding programs.

Sports Medicine, 2007 37(3), 225-264

Thursday, July 10, 2014

10.5 reasons to do these 5 NEW ab exercises

You might only know a couple of ab exercises (situps, crunches, etc.), but that's what I'm here for. Today, you'll discover 5 new exercises and 10.5 reasons why you need to start using these exercises right NOW. During our first ever "Abs Week" here at TT you learned why cardio and crunches don't work for getting a flat stomach. You were also given NEW ab exercises and 3 reasons to

No Workout Just PEXTING

Today is an off-day from the gym. Tomorrow I go in for a Trap Bar Deadlift record.Physically I'm ready to Man-Up. But mentally I've been slacking.The other week I told you about my morning PEXT program.You can read about it here: Progress Update:I feel like I'm slacking a bit, shirking opportunity to challenge

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Bally the Trainer and Garage Meathead Workout

TT Trainer of the Week, Bally the Dog, putting me through a Garage Gym Upper Body Meathead workout - KB Snatches, Powerblock Presses and Rows, TRX Fly-Pushups & Rows, & Ab Wheel Rollouts. Some new personal & doggy bests today (he barked more than usual). Good times. Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip: It's of no value to make excuses. Instead, make right decisions and take right action

#1 worst ab exercise

If you've been doing this one ab exercise (and almost everyone does it), then you are making your belly bigger. It's a big mistake. In fact, you're about to discover 3 of the world's most popular ab exercises that you should NEVER ever do! These 3 exercises can actually make your waistline bigger and hurt your back. Women Click Here ---> 3 Ab Exercises That Do NOT Flatten Your Belly (#2 is

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

#1 Ab Workout for You

Do you think what this man said to me was inappropriate? Here's what happened. On Sunday morning, after a July 4th weekend in Denver, I went to the airport for my flight to Toronto. As I went through security, I opted out of the scanner, and that meant I had to get a pat down from a TSA agent. When he was done, he said: "Your workout program is working!" I thought it was funny - and

3 stupid exercises

Today is an off day from the gym for me so I spent extra time answering fitness questions. Over at someone asked, "What's the craziest thing you have seen in a gym?"My reply: #3 - Canadia's wealthiest man, a multi-billionaire, standing on a bosu ball and doing band rows - with terrible form - while his trainer sat on a bench beside him and fell asleep. Similar situations

Monday, July 7, 2014

Denver Heat and Canadia Squats

Yesterday was a travel first.This had never happened before.My flight was delayed by heat.The temperature had soared in Denver to 34 degrees celcius, and apparently that would make it difficult for our too-heavy plane to take off.So they unloaded all the bags. Asked for volunteers to take another flight. And then they had EVERYONE get off the plane - because the air conditioning was not

Sunday, July 6, 2014

This weird TSA guy really did say this about my body

"Your workout program is working!" says the inappropriate TSA guy to me after giving me a pat down.Awkward. But funny. I'm totally okay with it, but really, probably not a kosher thing for a government employee to say to someone.It's not the first time.My friend Simon Black, a younger, fitter guy, gets the same type of comments from TSA folks when he travels, too. Oh well. Makes for a

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Natural Bodybuilder's Template - A training template for effectively building muscle without steroids

 Natural Bodybuilder Template PDF

Drug free bodybuilders cannot follow the same training programs used by bodybuilders who take performance enhancing drugs.  The drugs dramatically change the body�s physiology and alter recovery patterns.  What a drug using bodybuilder does in training is completely irrelevant for the natural bodybuilder.  The day to day, basic routine of most successful natural bodybuilders is very similar.  It is a simple template.  Frequently, the simplest training templates are the most effective. This is a simple, but effective template for the natural bodybuilder.  

Friday, July 4, 2014

Eccentric Contractions the Key to Muscle Strength / Growth?

There are 3 basic types of muscle contractions, concentric, isometric, and eccentric.  Concentric contractions are when the muscle is contracting while shortening.  Think of the up portion of a one arm dumbbell curl.  An isometric contraction is when the muscle contracts without shortening.  In this case if we curl the dumbbell up half way and hold it, we would be doing an isometric contraction during the static hold portion.  The muscle is contracting, but not shortening.  If we lower the dumbbell slowly, under control, we are executing an eccentric contraction.  In this case, the muscle is engaged and contracting, but it is lengthening, not shortening.

A muscle can produce more force during an eccentric contraction.  However, when executing a lift in a normal fashion, the eccentric portion of the lift results in less force than the concentric portion.  If you think about this, it makes sense.  During a normal lift, you are having to produce more force to lift a weight than to lower it.  Still, research has shown that if you eliminate the eccentric portion of a lift (i.e., drop deadlifts, where you drop the weight from the top position, rather than lower it), strength and hypertrophy (muscle growth) gains are reduced.

Tension is a powerful stimulus for increases in muscle strength and hypertrophy.  Even a muscle that is bathed in anabolic steroids will not grow at all unless there is a tension stimulus.  Eccentric contractions can produce a powerful tension stimulus if done correctly.  The way to do this is to perform forced negatives, or partner assisted negatives.  For example, to perform partner assisted negatives on a biceps curl, the weight would be curled up into the top position, then the partner would push down on the bar, while the lifter resists and tries to keep the bar from lowering.  In this case the eccentric contraction is producing MORE force than the concentric contraction.  This  provides a very powerful tension stimulus.  It is so powerful in fact, that it can easily be overdone.  Only a few repetitions should be performed in this manner.  It can produce incredible soreness if overdone.  Eccentric contractions can produce lots of micro damage in the muscles.  Also, the eccentric contraction should be done slowly and under control.  Explosive eccentric contractions can result in tearing of the muscle.

A good strategy is to perform a few forced eccentric contractions each week in 2-3 muscles that are lagging and are being targeted specifically for extra work.  Trying to train the whole body this way would likely lead to over-training quickly.  For example, if we are trying to bring up lagging arms, we might add 5-6 forced negative preacher curls, and 5-6 forced negative dumbbell overhead triceps extensions.  Forced negatives are technically difficult to perform.  Not all exercises can accomodate forced negatives.  For example, forced negatives for deadlifts or barbell squats are very much a varsity move and should be attempted by the most experienced lifters only, and even then only after careful planning and with experienced spotters.

Be cautious when performing eccentric contractions.  Make sure that you are warmed up thoroughly first.  Use a partner for spotting and assistance.  Do the eccentric portion slowly and under control.  Do fewer reps than you think you need.  You will be very sore the next day. Trust me on this one!

With forced negatives, just a little is enough.

Yesterday's 30-Minute Metabolic Workout

Today I'm celebrating my first July 4th in America. It will involve watching the fireworks over Sports Authority field in Denver. Should be a 'blast'.As was yesterday's workout. I used longer rest breaks because the mile high altitude was slowing me down. I was breathing much heavier than normal.1A) KB Snatch - 10 reps per side- Rest 15 seconds.1B) DB Reverse Lunges - 10 per side- Rest 1 minute

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Uncle Rico vs MRT

Last Saturday morning was a sad day at 24-Hour Fitness in Costa Mesa, California. I was in the area for a seminar and dropped in for a workout, but I was shocked to see that the weight room was full of "Uncle Rico"_types (remember him from Napolean Dynamite?) reliving their glory years. Unfortunately, no one seems to have told these guys that a circuit of bench presses, barbell curls, and