Friday, October 31, 2014

The Challenge Truth and Deadlift Day

Friday is a great day for a manly workout of deadlifts. Deadlifts are a particularly appropriate exercise for Halloween. Should be International Deadlift Day every Halloween.Unfortunately, today's workout left me pessimistic about being able to get all of my pullups and chinups done for the 33,333 challenge before the deadline. I planned this very poorly.On the bright side, I hit my first

trick or treat burger recipe

We have two time-sensitive TREATS for you right now, and no tricks (the only trick being played is this darn wet & cold weather here on the farm that's keeping ol' Bally the Chewbacca Dog inside on Halloween night). Treat #1 - A delicious new recipe below...all you need is some ground beef or turkey and an avocado and you have one of the best burgers ever. It's perfect fuel for hungry

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

3 steps to lose weight without counting calories

Counting calories is a huge waste of time. Don't don't do it! Obsessively counting calories (or worse, weighing food!) is a borderline unhealthy way to live, and research shows that your diet will FAIL if you take that approach. Here's what the pro's do...we eat real food, we eat when we are hungry, and we eat till we are full (but not stuffed). That's a healthy relationship with food, and

725 reps and 125 chinups

I started walking and bodyweight squatting down chin-up road today. Stopped along the way to smell the bench press. Today's workout:725 total reps 400 squats200 pushups125 chinupsplus bench press on Jim Wendler's 5-3-1 program. Here's a quick circuit I posted on FB:Quick Circuit for a client this morning (15-20 reps on each): Bodyweight Squats, KB Deadlift, Close-Grip Pushup, Total Body

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

State of the Bodyweight Union

For anyone keeping score on my bodyweight training program that I'm doing in conjunction with the TT Transformation contest, here's the latest update. My current stats can be found here:***and here's the "state of the union"***Ok, it's not as bad as I thought. There are 15-or-so days left in the 12-Week Transformation.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Chin Up Mania to the finish

It's time for another 4-week strength program to start. And yesterday I designed a new 4-week strength program for my #1 client, J-Roc. I will take the feedback on my program and his program to create some new Meathead's programs for the new year.Today's workout was barbell squats paired with chinups (100 total reps), then circuit: handstand pushups, bw squats, pushups, burpees, rows.Total

Saturday, October 25, 2014

106 pullup record

The past two days have been busy and the result has been a bodyweight mania. Yesterday was a big 800 rep workout while today was fewer reps, but higher intensity.Here's what I did on Friday morning:1A) Prisoner Squats � 50 reps1B) Pushups � 30 repsBack and forth I went for 10 rounds with about 1 minute between exercises.It was a dang good tough challenge. Lots of fun. Now look at all the way

Sadly skip this snack

I really do love this "healthy" snack (I used to eat it all the time on airplanes while flying to my TT events), but unfortunately I must admit it's actually one of the worst snacks for your waistline. I'm talking about trail mix, even the organic, "super-healthy" varieties that you find at the health food stores. Why is it so bad? Here are just a few reasons: 1. Trail mixes--which almost

Friday, October 24, 2014

17 white foods

Yes, that's right, you can actually eat LOADS of white foods and still get a flat stomach. In fact, if you eat THESE 17 white foods, you're bound to get a flat belly even faster. Get all 17 fat-burning white foods by downloading our brand new free report in a few seconds at the link below: ==> 17 WHITE foods for a flat stomach I'm going to go eat two of them right now for lunch as part of my

Thursday, October 23, 2014

odd workout for weekend

You can easily add this "odd" type of exercise to your routine this weekend. You don't need any equipment at all. And you'll be amazed at how quickly you start seeing a difference... -> In just 7 days you'll be more flexible and your belly will be a little flatter. (Your digestion may become easier, too!) You will feel more energized and alert during the day, and sleep like a baby at night.

185 challenge workout from J-Roc

On Monday, while I was in Toronto for some meetings, and a fancy dinner at the Ritz Carlton, I finished up my latest 4-week heavy lifting program. I hit the deadlift hard at my favorite Goodlife Gym down by the Air Canada Center. That means I'm now into a 7-day 'deload' week where I mess around with workouts.Today's workout was a challenge day combined with some chin-ups. My best friend Jay

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

5 exercises better than reading while doing cardio

Shape magazine recently made a shocking statement. According to their scientists, when you do a workout on the elliptical machine that says you burned 400 calories, the TRUTH is that you burned only 300 calories. The elliptical overestimates your calorie burn by about 30%. No wonder cardio doesn't work for fat loss. The machines LIE to you. I hope you're not making that one big mistake and

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

For Women that want to lose weight

If you want to lose 5, 10, 15 pounds or more, read every word in this email. Here's why... Everyone knows most mainstream "diet" information is not only incorrect, but will actually make you fatter. Like it or not, the government and media dictate to us what is healthy and what isn't, yet their advice is often fraudulent, deceitful, and ultimately harmful to your health and fat loss goals.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Hike and Lift

Went for a hike yesterday at Rattlesnake Point - near Toronto - with my friend and TT Client of the Year, J-Roc. The scenery reminds me of what I saw last fall when I was visiting Tuscany. It doesn't get much nicer than this in October. Today was much different...dreary and rainy, but deadlifty, too. :) The WorkoutWarmup of 200 squats and 200 pushups1A) Deadlift1B) Broad Jump2A) Bench Press 2B

Saturday, October 18, 2014

105 pullups

Today was the most pullups I've ever done in a workout. It beat my record of 100 set just last week. The workout was powered by 3 teaspoons of cacao nibs and a banana taco. A banana taco is a banana and cashew butter in a coconut wrap (from like a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.Anyways...Today's bodyweight workout gave me: 430 reps105 pullups (

Friday, October 17, 2014

Grinding it out

Weird day. I just didn't feel like hitting the gym, even after a day off. But I knew that if I could grind it out through a warm-up, that I would have a great session, and I did, even hitting a personal best max pushup set of 60.Total Bodyweight Reps: 550200 squats 200 pushups150 rowsAlso did barbell squats.Followed that up with a stranger than normal blender drink. I put red grapes in for

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

100 Pullup Workout

This was my first Century Pullup workout, the first time I ever did 100 reps in a single workout. It was a massive hour long bodyweight workout with lots of circuits. It's best to move between lower body, pushing, and pulling exercises, as that gives each muscle group time to rest while the other works. If your goal is strength, take a rest (1-minute) at the end of the circuit. If your goal

Monday, October 13, 2014

Deadlift Bodyweight Pumpkin Workout

Big deadlift and pumpkin workout today.Okay, maybe no pumpkin, but definitely deadlifts and bodyweight exercises.1A) Deadlift1B) Bench PressAnd then all these bodyweight exercises to be added to the challenge.771 reps350 squats200 pushups150 rows51 pullups20 handstand pushupsAnd then, if you ARE looking for a pumpkin workout...dont' do this:Pumpkin workout fail =>

Saturday, October 11, 2014

611 rep Saturday

Today's bodyweight workout done in circuits and supersets.It gave me 611 reps from:260 pushups250 bodyweight squats => over 10,000 now!100 TRX rowsand 1 burpee (ha!) <= just wasn't feeling the burpees today ...Thanks Coach! Another great session. Today's bodyweight workout done in circuits and supersets: 260 pushups, 250 bodyweight squats, 100 TRX rows, and 1 burpee (ha!) <= just wasn't

Friday, October 10, 2014

Fired Up About Phys-Ed Teachers

Dear Well Meaning Phys-Ed Teachers,I know you care. I know you want your students to grow up healthy and fit. I know you want them to build good exercise habits...BUT...If you don't know how to properly teach weight training exercises, and if you don't know how to properly design a basic full-body strength program for your students, do NOT try and fake it.You are only setting them up for

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

20 thousand repetitions in 7 weeks

And we've crossed the 20,000 rep mark. Wow. That's almost 3,000 repetitions per week, as tomorrow marks the end of week 7. However, I still have a couple of lagging exercises that need a LOT of work in the final 35 days of my bodyweight transformation.The results so far?The biggest improvements have been in:- my pushup endurance- my bench press strength <= big surprise!- my shoulder joint

20 minute myth and 4 minute miracle

One of the silliest CARDIO MYTHS that you hear in the gym is this: "You have to exercise for 20 minutes before you burn fat." That's ridiculous. It makes no sense. You are burning fat every single minute of every single day. Sometimes you are burning more fat than other times - like in the Afterburn period of today's 4-minute workout - but you are never not burning fat. Of course, there

Monday, October 6, 2014

Deadlifts and benches and bodyweight reps

Today was a big workout. I only go to a 'real' gym twice a week now, and so I have to take advantage of everything that is there that is not in my lil' gym in the garage. Decent amount of critical pullup and burpee reps to add to the 33,333 challenge today.742 reps total300 squats320 pushups52 pullups70 burpeesplus1A) Deadlift 3x5, 3x31B) Bench Press 3x5, 3x3Great times. Hour workout. Then

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Saturday Fitness QnA and internet feedback

Hmmm, another rainy day out on the farm. Unfortunate. But I was able to do a BW-TRX workout and get in a bike ride to grab the Saturday paper before it started pouring.The workout today gave me:361 total reps200 Squats100 pushups140 rows21 Handstand pushupsSunday is my OFF-From-Everything day. That means no workout, no Internet, no texting, no stressing (not that I do much of that), etc. I

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Back in Canada Squat and Bodyweight Workout

We cross over 18,000 reps today on my journey to 33,333 in my 12 week bodyweight program. This was also week 1 of my new lifting program. The workout at the local YMCA went like this. Warmups of Squats Pushups Pullups 1A) Squat 1B) Burpee 1C) Pushups 1D) Pullups 2A) DB RDL 2B) Box

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Last Tampa Workout Till Thanksgiving

Happy October 1st! Why not treat today as another New Year's Day? You can choose to make big changes starting now. You can change your life just as well today as on any day of the year. This is my final day down in Florida. Time to head back to Toronto for a few weeks before heading to California for the event. I know that many TT Trainers will be there.