Thursday, July 30, 2015

QnA and Meathead Answers

Today was going to be a garage gym workout, but the internet went down so I biked downtown to Balzac's coffee shop to write and connect with the ETR Team in Denver. After getting ahead on my day, I went over to the Y for a classic Meathead workout. 1A) Bench Press1B) Face Pull2A) Pullup2B) DB Incline Press3A) Dips3B) More pullupsNow I'll get 48 hours rest till my final Deadlift workout before

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Free TT App is here!

Finally, your demands have been heard! We've just released a free daily workout video app. Click here to download it for FREE You'll HD-quality videos delivered directly to your iPhone so that you can do NO-equipment workouts anytime, anywhere. You'll also get: Metabolic Kick-Starter to boost your metabolism in just

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Squat Summer Day

What a day. I've been very lucky this summer. Since arriving home from all my travels in early July, the weather has been near perfect every day out here on the farm and in the big city of Toronto. Today is hot and sunny. Probably too hot and sunny for ol' Bally and his permanent sweater, but it made for a great walk at sunrise today. After an early breakfast, I got down to the local YMCA for

Monday, July 27, 2015

Want to be a part of the Turbulence Training team?

If you want one of the secrets to success in life, a tip that will help you lose weight, drop bad habits, and change your life, here it is: Surround yourself with people who are better than you�they will bring out the best in you. Who you associate with is more important than you could ever imagine. Do not accept anything less than the best � otherwise you are cheating

Sunday Upper Body Crusher

Once again I got lazy. Barbell lazy. My training program called for a bench press workout at the YMCA, but sometimes I just don't feel like leaving home, biking down to the YMCA, paying my $10, dealing with the front desk people, going up to the gym, and watching all the suckers on the

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Changing the deadlift and your attitude

Yesterday was a frustrating deadlift workout. I hit some personal bests outside of my main deadlift numbers, but the main lift struggled. That said, I am experimenting with a different form based on this article:- workout:1A) Hang Clean1B) Mobility2A) Deadlift2B) Snatch + OH Squat3A) Olympic Squat3B) Leg CurlI have one more

Friday, July 24, 2015

Vince's abs and wedding photo

Guess what the "Holy Grail" of fitness is... Yep, you guessed it right. It's ABS. Today I want to introduce you to one of the greatest guys and fitness colleagues I have known since 2007, and wait til you see a picture of his legendary wedding below... WBFF Pro Fitness Model Vince Del Monte, the ABS master of sculpting, chiseling, and flattening

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bally Dog Walk and BioTrust Mocha Protein

Happy National Hot Dog & Vanilla Ice Cream Day. Hope you are getting ready for a great National Parents Day on Sunday. I discovered that these are all real "national days" during some research this morning. Thanks, www.holidayinsights.comNo workout for me today...just an amazing dog walk through nature with ol' Bally. He took a Ballfie for you to show you our route. After our workout I took

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Start small Start Now

My friend Chad emailed me over the weekend about a new study he is conducting for people who want to lose 10+lbs by Wednesday. Sounds aggressive but if you fit the following 3 criteria then you should check this out� You are at least 10 pounds or more overweightYou are willing to follow a few simple instructionsYou are between the ages of 21 and 69 If you meet these 3

Glute Grinder Leg Suffering Session in the Garage

Set the alarm a little early today. I needed to be on time for my 8:30am workout, and that meant getting a lot of work done, meditating, walking the dog, eating breakfast, reading my daily documents, sending some ideas to my team, and then hitting the gym.How do I do it? Here's one of my tip that helps...and some good ideas and quotes from other guys as disciplined as me:=> http://

Monday, July 20, 2015

No Squats Just Meatheady Monday

Today should have been a squat workout but I was too busy and did a poor job of scheduling my phone calls so I couldn't make it to the gym.So instead I did tomorrow's workout the garage...and it was great. I also imagined Ben Pakulski was there coaching me & not letting me away with sloppy form. Great to have a virtual mentor for inspiration.The Program:1A) PB Chest Press - 5x5 at

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Deadlift Day and Arnold Squats

Well, I have to admit, I'm a little sleepy after a day in the sun at the Jays game, and a couple of ciders. But good times. Just like my workouts over the past two days.On a rainy Friday morning it was Deadlift Day. I used the trap bar for triples, and finished off with a personal best of 225x24 reps.1A) Snatch1B) Overhead Squat2A) Trap Bar Deadlift2B) Box Jump3A) Military Press3B) Full

Friday, July 17, 2015

Testosterone Boosting Articles

Here's a round of articles trending on testosterone boosting. 10-Second Trick to Boost Testosterone Naturally (Helps get rid of man-boobs too.) Top 10 Signs You Have Liver Damage (#9 and #10 are super common) The #1 Workout to Build Size & Strength Simultaneously (Voting results tabulated from

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Get rid of weight and pain

What if you could relieve your chronic aches and pains with a few simple movements right in your own living room? And what if those simple movements helped you lose weight too? At the links below, you'll discover how to FINALLY return to a pain-free life without spending another dime on expensive medication, treatments, or doctor visits. And the best part is it's 100% FREE for a

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Perfect Day Farm Arms and Abs and Sprints

Deadlift session coming up on Friday, but for today it was a fun hybrid workout on a PERFECT summer's day in Canadia. Everything has been going as planned today. It started with 90 minutes of writing, followed by 20 minutes of stress-relieving meditation, then a nice cool and sunny dog walk. Bally and I then enjoyed our breakfast (mine was different than his, LOL), and it was back to work

2 Anti-Aging Secrets

You'll remember her as the fatally attractive movie star of the 80's and 90's. Today she is a 57-year old ageless wonder. What are her secrets? The beautiful actress, Sharon Stone, credits her remarkable pain-free, youthful body to a low-sugar, low-carb diet and yoga workouts. She defies aging. And you can too. These secrets have also worked for Jennifer Aniston (45 going on

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Rain Press and Garden Growth

Busy day. Plus rain. That means no time, or interest, in biking to the YMCA. I skipped barbell work and used the Powerblocks instead. Decent workout.1A) DB Chest Press1B) TRX Row2A) DB Incline2B) DB CSR3) Farmer's Walk with uneven kettlebells in the backyard (when it stopped raining) - I used a 70lb KB in one hand and 53lb in the other. Fun times. Next up: Errands. Then finishing up a big

need relief from pain?

Hey, are you still interested in getting relief from chronic pain and suffering? Did I mention the solution is FREE? If so, click here and the next page will explain exactly how you get a free DVD shipped directly to your doorstep so that you can eliminate pain in just a few minutes each day. Get your free pain-relief DVD here Let me know how this helps,

Monday, July 13, 2015

Sunday Squats and Saturday Walks

Sunday, what a Sunday. There was the epic Wimbledon final, highlights from some crazy UFC fights, and plenty of time reading and hanging out with ol' Bally the Dog.Oh, and there were squats. This was workout #1 of a new program that I'll finish up right before I head to Europe on August 1st.1A) BB Squat Jumps � 5x51B) Mobility moves2A) Squat � 5x52B) Box Jump or Mobility moves3A) Leg Curl3B)

Friday, July 10, 2015

A Different Kind of Meathead Fun

Final lift of a deload week before new program starts on Sunday morning with squats, Monday with bench (international chest day!), and Thursday with deadlifts before a trip to Toronto for the weekend. I have to squeeze in one more training phase before going to Europe in August.Wow. This was good. More fun when it was done, that's for sure, but a good experience to go through. Today's workout:

Forget walking for fat loss

Once per week ol' Bally the Dog and I go for a 6-mile walk as the sun rises over our little town of Stratford, Ontario. We walk along the picturesque Avon River, me reminiscing about my high school days and him chasing the swans on the river bank. We turn around at the world-famous Stratford Festival theater, and head home for an early breakfast. What a life! But here's one

Thursday, July 9, 2015

How to kill cellulite

Two of the toughest questions TT readers ask me are: 1) What can I do with loose skin?; and 2) How can I get rid of cellulite? I'll cover the first question in a future newsletter, but today I have my friend and world-renowned "Cellulite Killer", Joey Atlas, here to show you how to get rid of the ugly cellulite from your thighs. Let me know what you think about the natural

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Summer Meatheadish Workout on the Farm

Yesterday we got rained out (from a bike ride) but today we're back to sunshine on the farm. Ol' Bally the Dog and I had a great, yet cool, walk this morning followed up with a big breakfast before today's garage workout.This is the last workout of this 4-week program and then it is

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

final reminder about the free DVD

Exciting news to share with you today�I want to reward you with a FREE DVD copy of my most popular fitness program 6-Minutes to Skinny � with ZERO strings attached. It's my way of saying thank you for being a part of our mission to help 10 Million men and women transform their bodies. None of this would be possible without your help. You see, in just 6-minutes a day you can

Summer Luvin Deadliftin

The summertime is here on the Ballantyne farm. Yesterday was hot and sunny and today is going to bring a classic summer thundershower to the afternoon, and things will cool down in time for dinner. But it was hot in the gym this morning for deadlifts. That's fine. Made for a faster warmup

Sunday, July 5, 2015

These foods control your fat burning hormones

In a new study of weight loss super-achievers, European researchers found that eating non-allergenic foods was a SECRET to long lasting weight loss. Another study found that the way you cook your vegetables affects your thyroid, controls your fat burning hormones, and speeds up your metabolism. That just goes to show you how important your diet is, for both health and fat loss

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Wacky Sleep and Fun Workout in Toronto

Wackity-whack, summertime's back. And so is ol' Craiggy. He's back in Toronto and just had a whacked night of sleep (or almost no sleep). Here's what happened.Friday night I had dinner with a young entrepreneur that had previously attended one of our seminars. It's amazing what these kids are doing. This guy owns a few bitcoin bank machines in Toronto and has already sold

This Nutrition Program Fixes Your Trouble Spots

You've probably heard it a million times. Things like stress, dieting, and lack of sleep can lead to massive increases in cortisol levels, which can make you gain belly fat at a much faster rate than normal. Enter: HSD (11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1) This is an enzyme that "turns on" cortisol within your fat cells causing you to store fat

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Bench Near Blowout in Denver

Funny thing happened in the gym today. I always like to set a personal best, and I have about a dozen exercises that have records, from Farmer Walks to Squats to Trap Bar Deadlifts to Bench Press and Pullups. Today I decided to go for a pull-up record and that almost resulted in a hamstring or knee blowout. Let me explain.I was so focused on the exercise and hitting my record that I let go

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

How to Fix Lower Bark Pain by Bally the Dog

Woof, woof, ol' Bally the Dog here with an important story to bark to you. It's about my poor ol' Grandma Ballantyne. She takes care of me out on the Ballantyne Farm these days, because my human, ol' CB, is always traveling. He's out in Denver today but Grandma and I are enjoying a nice sunny day working out in the garden. Now here's the problem. If you've ever had a garden, you