Sunday, November 30, 2014

Do NOT do this Cyber Monday Workout

Did you know that a Cyber Monday shopping workout burns only 61 calories while sitting in front of a computer, even if you superset rapid clicking between the websites for Target and Wal-Mart? :) And if you sit there mindlessly snacking on a Frappucino (480 calories) and a bagel (350

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cool Saturday Morning Upper Body Workout

It was a cool morning in FLA, but I managed to do this in the garage.1A) DB Press 1B) DB Row2A) DB Overhead Press 2B) DB Chest Supported Row3) Finisher of Total Body Extensions4) Laps in the cold pool. Off to Denver tomorrow...where the pool will be even cooler. Here's an extra picture from my visit to Miami earlier this week at a friend's condo near the Miami Heat arena. Nice view. I love

Friday Fat Burner Night and Saturday Fat Burner Workout

Well, it wasn't the most exciting Friday night at Joel Marion's here in Florida, but I enjoyed my turkey drumstick and sweet potato leftovers followed by watching the new Star Wars trailer. We followed that up by singing several rounds of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" with his two daughters. I forgot how catchy that song is (sorry if it's now stuck in your head!). Joel and I also did a big 4.4

Friday, November 28, 2014

5 Diet Tips

Dang these tips are good. If you have 5-10 pounds to lose, or more, you'll love this guest post from Joel Marion. Joel invited me over for Thanksgiving dinner and it was incredible, especially the sweet potatoes (my favorite). I can't thank him enough, and you won't be able to either after you read this... How to Lose 10 Pounds Fast By Joel Marion, co-founder,

This book changed my life

This is the time of year to count your blessings, right? Here's a BIG one for me. I lucked out and stumbled across a simple, 15-minute strategy that has made me a better person. I'm happier, more patient, calmer, and much, much more appreciative of everything I have in my life. It's the secret behind my success. I wrote a book that shows you exactly how

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Monster Workouts and Gratitude

Thursday is the big day here in America. It's Thanksgiving, the biggest family get together of the year where, according to research from the Calorie Control Council, the average American will eat more than 4,500 calories. So here's your Thanksgiving MONSTER workout -'s Total Body Workout: Circuit #1:

Monday, November 24, 2014

Sunday KB and Swim

Turns out it's hotter and more humid in Florida than it is back on the farm. Haha. I was sweating buckets on Sunday morning as I went for a Kettlebell Swing marathon of 500 reps. Unfortunately several reasons caused me to bail early. One was time, two was a slight blister developing on my left hand, and three was the fact my hands were so sweaty I couldn't grip the bell properly.But all told

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Don't let this happen

Don't let this happen...It's Saturday...maybe it's still snowy, cloudy, rainy or just 'blah' where you live...and you've read the paper, had your coffee, made a light lunch, and now it's time to do your workout...maybe because you missed earlier in the week. But first, why not sit down and "just see what's on TV for a second". Two hours later, you're watching the end of when Harry met Sally

Friday, November 21, 2014

10x10 Swings and Pushups

This was a great way to start my workout. 10 KB Swings with 53 pounds10 pushups- 10 rounds, no rest. Time = 7:40Followed with KB Front Squat, Powerblock Chest Press, Powerblock 1-arm row, and finished with 50 more KB swings with 53 pounds. That brings me to 600 total reps on the road to

Thursday, November 20, 2014

1 rule and 1 tip

I wanted to share with you the one "rule" that you must follow if you want to lose weight and get in shape before the holidays (and after the holidays, too). This one simple "rule" can be found in the weight loss plans of every success story in the world -- and the good news is that it has nothing to do with genetics, or your diet, or how long you spend in the gym. => The #1 Rule you must

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

3 Level Custom Diet

If you fell off the diet wagon again last night or at lunch today, I have good news - and a 3-Level CUSTOM diet solution - for you. But first, a reason why your past diets haven't worked for you. The truth is that almost every single diet out there FALSELY claims to be the best diet for everyone. But NO diet can be best for everyone. That's why you need Customized Levels. After all,

Snow In Swings and Squat Workout

More snow coming today and tomorrow. That's alright. I have the garage gym on my side. Here are a couple of photos out on the farm of the calm between the storms. It's Pretty...but pretty early in the year for this! Oh well, ol' Poochy was loving it outside. Soon I'll be in the garage gym crushing a tri-set of KB Front Squats, Heavy Powerblock Rows, and KB Swings. Today's

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Emergency Workout Alert

The NY Times reported a "fun fact" today, one that I don't find fun at all. Then again, I'm snowed in on the farm here in Canadia (in November!), so everything is a little less funny today. Anyways, the fun fact is that all 50 states in America are freezing. That's right, there's a city in all 50 continental states that will experience below freezing weather today, and many homes, like

Snow Day Workout of Swings and Pushups

We are full-on snowed in. I can't even see 40 feet out the window. And this morning's 7am dog walk was brutal. I gotta be careful what I wish for. Yesterday I wrote: "Several inches of snow have fallen over the weekend and last night, and several more are on the way. I'm glad. Why? Because I'm gone for two weeks, starting Saturday. First I'll be heading down to Joel Marion's near Tampa ("

This workout vs crossfit

Here's why this is better than Cross-Fit... In the time it takes someone to drive down to their local Crossfit, you could do a better cross-training, fat-burning workout at home Try this workout and compare And don't even get us started on the 60 minute P90 videos or cardio...there's no need for workouts to last longer than an episode of CSI. All of these workouts beat you up because

Monday, November 17, 2014

One Ancient Workout Secret

If you need to lose 10 pounds fast for holiday parties, an upcoming beach vacation, or simply to fit into your clothes better, there is ONE workout trick that you need to add into your routine. It's worked for literally over 2551 years since it was first invented. So clearly it doesn't involve treadmills, screaming fitness models on DVD, or going to a fancy gym. It's just a simple secret

Snow vs Sunshine

It's full-on winter here on the farm. Several inches of snow have fallen over the weekend and last night, and several more are on the way. I'm glad. Why?Because I'm gone for two weeks, starting Saturday. First I'll be heading down to Joel Marion's near Tampa ("the official lightning capital of the world" - seriously!) for some sunshine and swimming. It's going to be in the 80's there over the

This book changed my life

This is the time of year to count your blessings, right? Here's a BIG one for me. I lucked out and stumbled across a simple, 15-minute strategy that has made me a better person. I'm happier, more patient, calmer, and much, much more appreciative of everything I have in my life. It's the secret behind my success. I wrote a book that shows you exactly how

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Highs and lows of life

First day of testing...two victories. I had to bail on the max pushups. Will try those on Monday or Tuesday next week. Lots of highs and lows to report today. Success => It all starts with preparation and planning � to avoid wrong people/environments/habits and to connect with the right people/environments/habits. Success is simple once you accept how difficult it is. Today's workout

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Back to the heavy

Well, I'm done with the bodyweight training. Almost. Time for a couple of days rest and then some weekend testing of max reps. That will be fun.After that, I'm going to move to a KB Swing & hamstring training focus for the next 6 weeks till the next contest. I want to get my deadlift close to 405 before January. It's about 375 now. My best ever is 425 at 190 lbs. That's nothing to get too

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How NOT to fail

I blew it. I just failed on a big goal because I forgot the 1st Pillar of Transformation - PLANNING. You see, I was attempting a massive 33,333 rep 12-week bodyweight challenge during the 21st Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. I wanted to join you as you did your fat loss program, to give you accountability, support, an incentive, and the Big Deadline (the 4 other Pillars of


I'm not going to make it. I just won't get all of my pullups and chinups done. This was a result of poor planning. I dropped the ball on the 1st of the 5 pillars of Transformation. They are:1) Better Planning & Preparation => Silly mistake to miss this one!2) Accountability => Did this, had you!3) Social Support => Did this, had you - thanks!4) Incentive => To better myself...and I did...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2 minute workout option A

What if you could burn tons more body fat without tacking any extra time onto your current workouts? What if you could use a shortcut to burn fat FASTER, get stronger, and get leaner--all while increasing your cardiovascular and heart health in as little as 2 minutes? Well, science and research proves you CAN.Introducing: The Fat-Burning Shortcut SolutionIt's a new exercise trick that doubles

2 minute workout Option A

What if you could burn tons more body fat without tacking any extra time onto your current workouts? What if you could use a shortcut to burn fat FASTER, get stronger, and get leaner--all while increasing your cardiovascular and heart health in as little as 2 minutes? Well, science and research proves you CAN.Introducing: The Fat-Burning Shortcut SolutionIt's a new exercise trick that doubles

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Suck Wind Burpee Circuit

Today we finished off burpees and rows while adding in some squats. Tomorrow is a travel day as I head to California, and then it's back to the chinup mission on Thursday.Today's workout - The Suck Wind CircuitSquats - 20 repsPushups - 10 reps Burpees - 10 reps (+ 10 extra warmup)7 Rounds = Not fun for the first half...gets better at the halfway point...gets 'kind of' fun when you see the

Monday, November 3, 2014

Ten Thousand Pushups

Ten thousand pushups achieved. I enjoyed the journey. My max endurance has risen, my shoulders have gotten stronger, and my bench press got stronger. I am surprised by the shoulder and bench response, but there's no denying it. Today's milestone workout: Barbell Squats + BW circuit (Total reps = 325 bw squats, 401 pushups, 75 chin-ups). GT's. (Good times)Before the workout I looked at my

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Almost at 30K reps and 10000 pushups

Saturday morning changed from the normal routine. It started with an early morning haircut so that I look my best for next week's Info Summit in Costa Mesa, California. After picking up a paper and ingesting a little caffeine, it was time to head home for a bodyweight circuit. I pumped out a few sets of 50 rep bodyweight squats, thanks to the caffeine, and couple hundred other reps.Followed