Sunday, May 31, 2015

make these meals

What if I told you that even though you mean well, you're likely eating FIVE "healthy" foods that are making you fat and destroying your metabolism? Are you eating these fattening "health foods"? <= New shocking video Imagine if you could quickly and easily replace the fat promoting foods in your kitchen with amazing meals and recipes that not only taste better, but

Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday Meathead in the Mile High

Woke up earlier than usual today, felt well rested, and went on to hit a good 5am workout at the Colorado Athletic Club in Denver. Really looking forward to Sunday's deadlift session. Tomorrow's workout is a trip to Whole Foods and preparation for the - it's going to be great. I just finished up the Friday morning bootcamp workout plan yesterday.Today's Kickbutt Bench

Next Friday

On Friday, June 5th, I'll deliver my most important speech to you ever. You can't miss it. Here's a sneak peak... You've made it. You've changed your life. You've built incredible habits of health and fitness, you've overcome tremendous obstacles in your way, and you've discovered that weight loss and a healthy lifestyle don't require sacrifice and starvation. But people need

Thursday, May 28, 2015

To get sexy abs

I have been getting so much positive feedback about my prot�g� Andrew Raposo's Sexy Abs Training System that I just had to send you one LAST reminder about itIt would be so unfortunate if you were to miss out on this better way to do ab training and burn stubborn belly fat (compared to the boring and ineffective ab workouts in Shape or Men's Fitness magazines)�Andrew's 6-Pack Solution

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Biebs and The Squats

Up early, got mentally prepared, and punished my legs at the Colorado Athletic Club in Denver. It was a great squat workout that went like this:1A) Barbell Squat Jump1B) Spiderman Climb2A) Parallel Squat 2B) Hip Mobility Drills3A) Full Squat3B) Back Extension3C) Leg CurlI will bench on Friday and Deadlift on Sunday in a nice, empty gym. Looking forward to a quiet weekend of working, training,

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Pushups and Chinups in Denver

Flew to Denver on Monday, and since my arms weren't too tired (LOL at my original jokez!) I hit the gym this morning for an upper body session. 1A) Pushups (1-1-1-1) - 5x201B) Chinups - 5x82A) DB CSR - 4x102B) Shoulder Press - 4x10Tomorrow will be a heavy squat day, week 3 of the current 4-week program. Thursday I'll bench, and Saturday or Sunday will be heavy deadlifting. Until then, lots of

Check these abs and take the test

Take a look at these abs�then ask yourself this question�Who do you think these amazing abs belong to? Is it� A) A BodybuilderB) A Fitness ModelC) A FighterD) A SprinterE) Bally the DogTake a guess and see if you're right. Click on your answer.On the next page, you'll learn not only who these world class abs belong to, you'll also learn how you can train EXACTLY the same way to

Monday, May 25, 2015

Weekend Update and Deadlift to Denver

Had a great weekend. Lots of training, good food, and even a couple of movies. I might be slowing down in my old age.Started off with an early Saturday morning trip to the YMCA for a Trap Bar Deadlift session. Hit 335 for 5 and 225 for 23 reps. Workout looked like this:1A) Snatch - 3x51B) Box Jump2A) Trap Bar Deadlift2B) Box Jump3A) Shrug3B) Leg CurlGood times were had by all, I think, except

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Deadlift Plan from Denver to Diego

Long walk in the Old Grove today, a forest near the farm, and did some bodyweight mobility in the garage. I will deadlift on Saturday morning. Trip to Toronto after. Flight to Denver on Monday (it's good to travel on holidays). Week in Denver, then off to TT Summit on the 4th of June. Legendary weekend planned. Will deadlift before I go to SD, and then maybe again at Fit Gym in downtown SD.

What to do in Toronto

Well, here's a non-training random post for you. A friend of mine is visiting Toronto this summer with her husband and they are staying the swanky Yorkville neighborhood. She asked me what to do. Here are my not-as-lame-as-they-used-to-be-but-still-not-super-amazing recommendations. If you have some, add them. Thanks!1) Walking Toursa) Get a cab to the Beaches neighborhood on Friday or Saturday

Do not RUIN your weekend with a deprivation diet

If you try and diet tonight, it will probably RUIN your weekend. So let's be honest, let's be real...let's find a way for you to enjoy life on the weekends while still losing weight. There's no reason to go to a Memorial Day Weekend movie or cookout and not have a treat. You don't have to deprive yourself all the time. That will just make you quit your diet ... while ruining your social

Last chance for burning stubborn fat with Roman

Bad news. This is going to upset a lot of people. Before you head into your weekend there's something you need to know...John Romaniello's proven fat loss solution for FIXING the final 5-10 pounds of stubborn fat is about to increase in price.If you want to save over 51% off the normal price and get all of his bonus goodies, you must take action today.Go here for Roman's fat burning secrets to

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Exactly how to eat on weekends

Call me odd, but when it comes to the weekends, I'll be honest with you...... I relate GOOD food with a great time. I don't want to eat chicken and broccoli on a Friday night. I want to go out for dinner to my favorite restaurant and eat whatever I want and then follow that up with an action flick, like the latest Avengers movie (just watched - it's awesome!). You see, I'm what

Pump Paradise and Perfect Productivity

Wow. Meathead Pump Paradise. Just finished an upper body TT Meathead program down at the local YMCA. Ran into an old high school teacher that asked me to speak at a small business meeting in June. Should be fun.Today's a beautiful day in our little Victorian city and buses filled with high school-aged students from Toronto were circling the city looking for parking spots as English teachers

Monday, May 18, 2015

Caffeine and Squats

You are in for a treat today. LOL. When I consume caffeine my mind races. It vomits ideas left and right. I get a little more truthful, I say what's on my mind. Most of the time it's good, although sometimes it lacks a filter. Enjoy!But first, here's why I had caffeine. It was squat day. So after my morning writing and a dog walk, I had a Green Tea, some cacao nibs, walnuts, brazil nuts, and

Sunday, May 17, 2015

5 bad health foods

What if I told you that even though you mean well, you're likely eating FIVE "healthy" foods that are making you fat and destroying your metabolism?Are you eating these fattening "health foods"? <= New shocking video Imagine if you could quickly and easily replace the fat promoting foods in your kitchen with amazing meals and recipes that not only taste better, but actually increase

Friday, May 15, 2015

Intervals in NYC and Summits in San Diego

Today was my annual interval run through Central Park with my good friend and business partner, Matt Smith. Every year we have an annual meeting for our travel group in NYC. You can watch a promo video for the club here.=>'ve been on trips to Italy (drove Ferraris!), Germany (drove at Porsche and BMW), NYC, and the Superbowl with the group. They are incredible

Thursday, May 14, 2015

METCON Madness: 3 Things you Need to Know About METCON

The term �metabolic conditioning� or METCON is an unfortunately vague term.  Frequently, when two people are speaking about METCON, they are thinking about completely different concepts.  Generally (and this is not always true) what is meant by METCON is a training session that is high intensity and results in a heart rate in zone 4 or 5 (in the 5 zone system we discussed earlier).  There are three important facts to know about METCON.  The first concerns the sites of physiological adaption (physical changes due to training).   The second concerns transfer of training effects and the third concerns the adaptation timeline (how fast fitness develops).

Although the reality is a bit more complex, it is useful to think of there being two adaptation sites for METCON training, central and peripheral.   The primary central adaptations are cardiovascular.  The heart becomes stronger (greater stroke volume).  There are also some hormonal changes.   The peripheral changes occur in the specific muscles that are in use during the METCON.  Only the muscles that are recruited and used adapt.  Furthermore, some muscles are used to a much greater extent, so they adapt more.  Think of a METCON exercise like the �thruster.�  The biceps are used a little, but not nearly as much as the deltoids and gluteus (if you are doing it right!), so the biceps will not adapt much to that exercise. There is a specific pattern of adaptation that depends on how much specific muscles were recruited, how long they were used, and the pattern of use (i.e., intervals, or on/off cycles).  This makes the peripheral adaptations very mode specific (mode refers to the type of exercise used.).  The central adaptations are very general and the peripheral adaptations are very specific. 

This brings us to the concept of the transfer of training effects.  Does one METCON exercise make you better at another METCON exercise, or a real life challenge?  The central adaptations have a high degree of transfer.  After all, it is the same cardiovascular system being used no matter what exercise is performed.  So the improvement in cardiovascular capacity is expected to result in improvements across a wide range of training and life challenges.  However, the peripheral adaptations are very mode specific.  There is little transfer from one exercise or mode to another.  The transfer effect is proportional to the extent of overlap in muscles used.  Even if there is lots of overlap in muscles used, there may be little training transfer because the weak link muscles may be different.  For example, an athlete may have done tons of �thrusters� but when they transition to �sumo deadlift high pull� they may find that they can�t do many because their grip gives out.  Grip strength is not trained significantly with �thrusters.� 

The real issue here is that most of the training effect is peripheral, not central.  Central adaptations account for only a small part of the training effect.  Therefore, the concept of improving general work capacity is a flawed one.  There really is not �general� work capacity.  If I want to improve a wrestler�s work capacity do I have him swing a sledge hammer and row a Concept 2, or do I have them grapple?  Specificity matters, a lot.  Everyone knows that strength is mode specific.  A big bench press does not necessarily mean you have a big squat.  However, other fitness modes are very mode specific as well (i.e., METCON, endurance, flexibility).  Exercise programming should take this into consideration.  METCON, if needed at all, should closely mimic known job demands.  Where job demands are unknown but likely to be intense, METCON should focus on movements that are most likely to be encountered such a gripping, pulling, lifting, throwing etc. 

The third important fact about METCON is that fitness adaptations happen quickly.  Anyone who has trained and measured METCON performance knows that significant improvements can happen after only 2-3 specific METCON workouts.  What you may not know is that although results happen quickly, they plateau quickly as well.  Three to 6 weeks can get an athlete very close to their max METCON performance at their current level of strength.  METCON fitness is built quickly.   This is good news and bad news.  Athletes can expect big improvements quickly.  However, pretty quickly results will taper off with little improvement to follow unless they get stronger.  This has programing implications.  Doing METCON year round, or starting it too early may be a mistake.  If you are training for a specific school, selection or deployment, you may be better served by saving your METCON training for the last couple of months prior, and focusing on fitness qualities that take a long time to develop in the months or years prior to that (i.e., strength and hypertrophy).  Also, METCON incurs a high recovery cost and can directly interfere with strength and hypertrophy gains.  Both are very important considerations that are rarely discussed.  Depending on the athlete�s goals, it may make sense to minimize METCON training until it is needed. 

Off Day Again and Off to NYC

Off-week, light workout at the Shangri-La Hotel (my favorite place to stay) in Toronto. I did hit a couple of bodyweight personal bests. First, I did 29 Perfect Pushups, taking 1 second to lower, pausing for 1 second, 1 second to press up, and pausing for 1 second at the top. Then I did a 21-second hold in the top of a pullup position. The rest of the workout went quickly, like this: A)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Off Day in Toronto

Off day lower body workout here at the hotel in Toronto. Had some rib-eye steak last night and octopus at a Spanish restaurant in the city (Patria). Also watched the new Avengers movie. That was the first of the new Marvel movies that I was able to watch from start to finish. I've tried Thor and Captain America, but thought both were boring. Today's session was 1A) Squats1B) Box Jumps2A) RDL

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

4-Minute workout

In four days from now you could be using this workout video for free. It's all part of your brand new � and free � Metabolic Kick-Starter workout program. In this follow-up to my Home Workout Revolution program, you'll be given a 25-day workout plan. Your free workouts will be delivered every morning by email. You'll click on the link inside the email and it will take you a

Monday, May 11, 2015

Maximus Personal Best in Pushups

Saturday morning was the last workout for my recent 4-week program. That means this week is mostly bodyweight training and some future TT-program experimentation. That works out nicely because I have a couple of travel days this week. Yesterday I flew from sunny San Diego to snowy Denver for Mother's Day. No workout. This morning I did an upper body hotel gym workout at the JW Marriott. The

Sunday, May 10, 2015

3 diet tricks

"I'll start Monday"... ... says everyone. If you crush the week with your diet but mess it up every weekend, there's good news. Your weekend "fun food" can actually speed up fat loss... It's called "Diet Intervals". If you think about it, every fitness expert out there talks about how you must cut 500 calories or more from your diet each day.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

More Steak and More Fit Athletic

I'm a sucker for steaks and training at Fit Athletic in San Diego. If there is a rib-eye on the menu, I'm ordering it. And that's what was on the menu last night at McCormick and Schmick's in SD. Good times.That got me well-fed for today's deadlift workout at Fit Athletic. Here's how that session went down.1A) Hang Clean 1B) Repeated Vertical Jumps2A) Deadlift2B) Pull-up Hang Hold (to lengthen

Weekend Diet Tip and Saturday Sermon

A 2011 study from the Journal of Obesity showed those who focused solely on hormonal balance lost 65% MORE weight compared to those who were counting calories. After just 8 weeks of ignoring calories and grams, they also had a 34% decrease in their waist alone. As you can see, it definitely IS more than calories in and calories out for your best results.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Dining and Deadlifting in the Diego

Recovery day. Hanging out with Bedros, Roman, Shawna, Mikey, AJ Roberts, and David Sinick down in San Diego. Ate some nice steak last night at Nobu.Wagyu beef on the hot stone at Nobu. Tomorrow we deadlift! Tonight we dine!Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:Persist. Stay strong. Stick to your plan 90% of the time and savor the 10% sweet spots. Plan proactively. Live long-term. Track what works and

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Get a Free bodyweight workout DVD

If you want to have more all-day energy and look 5-10 years younger in just 4 minutes a day, then I have GREAT NEWS for you today. We're still giving away a limited quantity of free 4-minute weight loss workout DVDs at the link below. You'll burn fat fast with these NO-equipment exercises. Say goodbye to excuses and hello to FAST results. If you'd like a FREE DVD packed with fun

the BEST free workout DVD

You've read the ads. You've watched the infomercials. You've heard from friends at work that have spent 6 hours a week in their basement using P90X. But you don't have all that time and you don't have the money for the fancy equipment. But that's okay, because one of our raving fans, Stephanie Abrams, has GREAT news for you today. She's living proof that our new FREE workout DVD is

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Do you want daily energy?

Here's one of the most common questions that I get from TT readers across America, including Fran K. from Tampa, Barry R. from Washington State, Tony L. from West Virginia, and Dustin R. from deep in the heart of Texas�"Craig, I've been following your workouts every morning and it's really helped me have more energy�but sometimes I get a little tired in the middle of the afternoon. You

Bench at Fit Athletic

"He, who plans the transactions of the day, and follows that plan, carries a thread that will guide him through a labyrinth of the most busy life," said Victor Hugo. Script your day as much as possible so you can leave work on time, without phone calls, meetings, or repetitively email checking keeping you working late into the night.Plan your work and work your plan, as a mentor of mine,

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Squatting and Chatting in Denver on my way to San Diego

I just had a 10-minute conversation with a sweet little old lady from New Orleans. She was in front of me in the security line at the Denver airport. She just started traveling a year ago after her husband passed away and I helped walk her through the security rigamarole. But she so cute because she had her boarding pass on her iphone, although she didn't know what to do with it when she got

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Best Exercise You Are Not Doing

The exercise is called the Victorian Hold (demonstrated in the video above).  You need to do this exercise because you spend too much time hunched in front of a computer or smart phone.  This leads to head forward, kyphotic posture.  To counter this, you need to train the muscles of your upper back, the rhomboids and middle/lower traps.  Nothing I have done targets these muscles better.  You probably cannot do the exercise right away.  A good starting progression is to place your elbows on an elevated surface.  I used two steps (from step class) that were about 6" high.  After a few weeks of 15-30 second static holds (3-5 reps) done three times per week, I can do a decent Victorian Hold unassisted.  Again, this is a great posture corrective and is also great for shoulder health.

Last Chance and Quick Upper Body Personal Best Workout

C'mon, let's go. LAST day! Yep, it's the Last Day to Enter the 23rd TT Transformation Contest! Win MY money by transforming your body in just 12 weeks. Here's how... The 23rd 12-Week TT Transformation Contest has now started - Prize of $1000 plus a 3-Year Platinum TT Membership 2nd Place Prize of $500 plus a 2-Year Platinum Membership 3rd

Last day to enter the 23rd TT Transformation Contest!

Alright Team TT, this is the last day to enter the 23rd TT contest.If you're new, welcome! Let's see you start a journal here:=> you're a PRO, let's see you win again...and start a journal at that link.And if you're a CTT, make sure your in-person clients transform under your care and enter to win my money.All the rules are here:=> http://

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Steak and Shake Weight Pump

Last night I had a well-earned, post-deadlift, awesome buffalo rib-eye steak at @EDGEsteakhouse in Denver...I've had it many times, but last night's was the best. Going back Sunday. It's going to be way too busy in there today because of the Kentucky Derby party. I followed up that dinner with a morning Maximus Meathead bodyweight session in the hotel gym using some Shake Weights. Just kidding.

Friday, May 1, 2015

603 pound deadlift inspiration

This is motivation. 603lbs. New PR for @BobbyMaximus. No belt. No straps. I'm a long way from that, although I did just about run out of space on the bar today with two 45-pound bumper plates, a 25, 2 tens, and a 5 on each side. That adds up to 325 and I did a set of 3 with that. Today's workout at

Muscle Fiber Types and Hypertrophy Strategies

Those who feel that science has little to contribute to the discussion on strength training programming have not been reading the science.  Every year we add new peices to the puzzle.  A recent review by Ogborn and Schenfeld (Strength and Conditioning Journal, Volume 36, Number 2, April 14) does a great job of sumarizing what is known at this point.  Here are some of the key issues:

  • Type II fibers display superior growth following high intensity (heavy) loading, approximately 50% greater than type I.
  • If loading is greater than 50% of 1 RM, type II muscle growth exceeds type I growth
  • Direct, head to head comparisons of 6-8 RM VS 20-30 RM demonstrated that 6-8 RM is superior for hypertrophy and that all fiber types showed some hypertrophy
  • Training at slow repetition speeds improved the hypertrophy response of light loads, but heavy loading was still superior.
  • Aiming for the SINGLE protocol that maximizes hypertrophy may not be optimal.  For example in one study comparing 3 sets with 30% 1 RM, 80% 1 RM, and 1 set 80% 1 RM, hypertrophy overall was greater using 3 sets of 80% 1 RM, but type I muscle fiber hypertrophy was greater with the 30% 1RM protocol (Mitchell CJ, Churchward-Venne TA, West DWD, Burd NA, Breen L, Baker SK, and Phillips SM.  Resistence exercise load does not determine training-mediated hypertrophic gains in young men. J Appl Physiol 1134: 71-77, 2012. ).  Perhaps the optimal approach is a combination of heavy loading for low reps and lighter loading for high reps to maximize hypertrophy of both type I and type II fibers.
  • Although recruitment of type II fibers increases with increasing load, type II fibers are also recruited in the latter repetitions of a set due to fatigue.  This response is maximized by training to failure.  There is some evidence that lower load, higher repetition training can produce hypertrophy responses similar to high loading protocols if the sets are taken to failure.
  • If pure hypertrophy is the goal, it makes sense to train across a range of repetitions.  High repetition, lower loading sets should be taken to failure.
  • High load, low rep training maximizes type II muslce hypertrophy.
  • Lower load, higher rep training (especailly taken to failure) maximizes type I muscle hypertrophy.
  • If the primary goal is strength, higher loads and lower repetitions are more optimal  because higher loading leads to greater strength than lighter loading, even if the hypertrophy response is the same.

From a practical perspective this research gives credence to the old bodybuilder technique of including lighter "burn out" sets at the completion of training each body part, and methods like drop sets or high time under tension sets using slower performed higher reps.  This would ensure that type I muscle fibers experience a maximum hypertrophy stimulus as well.

For more in depth information on this topic, Google Brad J. Schoenfeld.